I had a phone call from my mother this morning - she lives in South Africa - telling me that she'd seen this post showing a photo of my tbr pile of books in the hallway leading to my room and was horrified. "I showed it to the girls in the office," she said. "They couldn't believe how many books you have stacked against that wall."
She then went on to tell me that she's buying me a bookcase so that they can be stored neatly and my hallway won't look like a stockroom any more. Little sis has been given the job of locating this for me, so who am I to argue with such a kind offer? Thanks Ma.
According to the dark-haired weather girl (probably called something far more PC now) on GMTV, the Channel Islands are 'in for a pasting' this Sunday as the storm that caused so many problems in Madeira is on it's way up to us. So, liking nothing better than an excuse to get into the garden, especially after months of very little happening, Rob has announced that he has jobs for me to do out there. One of the jobs is to help him prune my apple and lilac trees. I do wish he'd leave them alone, but he insists they need doing before the storm. Groan.
I'm a First Aider at work. Now, before you think that this is because I'm a generous and kindly person, think again. My motives behind the original training course were simply to have two days out of the office with my good friend Rach. Now I need a refresher course and will be going for a days training on Monday. I have already told them that I will not be giving anyone the kiss of life. Unless of course, Richard Armitage happened to visit the office and pass out in a dead faint. Highly unlikely, of course, but a girl can dream. Or, maybe Gerry Butler may need a Trust Officer to tend to a small injury? No? Thought not.