Wednesday 9 March 2011

Pure Passion Awards, Book Reviews & The Hating Game

Congratulations to all the winners and shortlisters at the RNA Pure Passion Awards 2011.
Winners were: Penny Jordan - Outstanding Achievement Award, Jill Mansell - Romantic Comedy Award (a review of her latest book, To The Moon & Back can be read here at Novelicious), Jojo Moyes - Romantic Novel Award, Elizabeth Chadwick - Historical Novel Award, Louise Allen - Love Story Award & Josephine Cox - Lifetime Achievement Award.

You can see some fabulous photos taken by Liz Fenwick at the Romantic Novelists's Association Blog and Phillipa Ashley has posted all about the Awards and has more photos.

My gorgeous friend, Christina Jones was shortlisted for the Romance Comedy Award for her brilliant book, The Way To A Woman's Heart. You can read all about her jelly wrestling with Jill Mansell here

I've recently read an excellent book, The Blasphemer by Nigel Farndale, I just hope my review, posted here at Bookersatz, did the book justice.

Thanks to Helen for posting my review. I needed cheering up. It's the first day of Lent and I've given up chocolate. With best intentions at heart, I went to work and at 9.30 was chatting in the kitchen with a colleague. One of the girls had celebrated her 21st birthday and bought in several M&S tubs of treats. Guess who took a Rocky Road, (chocolatey, marshmallow & heavenly) popped it in her mouth and relished every second before realizing in horror that she'd only managed to last 9 1/2 hours into Lent! Needless to say, I still intend keeping off the chocolate, but it goes to show how I eat without paying any attention at all!

Happy Publication Day today to Talli Roland for her fab book, The Hating Game. Talli's book came out as an e-book in December and rose to 24 on Amazon UK Kindle and 460 on It's a great read, I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Cheryl said...

Thanks for the book recommendations. My tbr list is as tall as me but I shall add them to it all the same. Good luck with the chocolate strike - I actually found that it was easier to quit smoking than chocolate so if I mananged that long it would be nothing short of a miracle!

Anna Scott Graham said...

Good luck with Lent! So hard to stay away from chocolate...

Liane Spicer said...

Gulp! I had chocolate today too and didn't give it a thought until I read this post.

That's some kind of debut from Talli Roland! Impressive!

D.J. Kirkby said...

You gave up chocolate? Even 9 1/2 daylight hours is impressive! I haven't read the other books (yet) but did read Talli's book and it is excellent.

Anonymous said...

Ooh I've not heard of the pure passion awards. Sounds steamy! :O)

Talli Roland said...

Oh YAY! Thank you so much for the shout-out and your kind words! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


Kaye Manro said...

Some good books here! Thanks for the update, Debs.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating stuff. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Lily - I also found it easier to give up cigarettes than chocolate, but I'm coping so far.

anna - thank you.

liane - Talli's book is very enjoyable. Great cover too.

dj - glad you enjoyed it so much too.

madeleine - I've attended these awards a few times and they're always such fun. I always come back with lists of books to add to my tbr pile too.

talli - love cupcakes!

kaye - thank you.

boonie - thanks.

Leigh Russell said...

Someone just lent me The Blasphemer. I must get around to reading it now!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

leigh - it's a brilliant book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Pauline Barclay said...

Good luyck with your 'not eating chocolate' for lent! Thanks for book recomendations. x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

pauline - I'm doing far better than I expected to, so far. x

Susie Vereker said...

Thanks so much for all those links. You are a star blogger, Debs.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

susie - thanks, glad you liked them.