Friday 18 January 2008

Ashes to Ashes, Script Writing & Being Friday

I may be a year or two past my thirtieth...okay then, fortieth birthday but you can tell that I'm influenced by all these teenagers I have around me. Last night I was quietly ensconced in a fascinating article in the Jersey Evening Post when ds bellowed and pointed at the tv screen and there in front of us was a short taster of the forthcoming Ashes to Ashes staring the fabulous Philip Glenister and the lovely Keeley Hawes.

I shall enjoy watching this with dh as he remembers the eighties as well as I do and being reminded of all the ghastly fashion disasters. Thankfully digital cameras weren't around when I swanned off to a party wearing little more than a bin bag, dog collar (borrowed from local punks who lived on my friend's estate), one lace full length glove and torquoise/pink dyed hair. So I can't show you the picture. How I have the nerve to comment on what my children wear, I really don't know.

I'm entering a script writing competition. The winning script will be made into a ten minute film and the location has to be somewhere in the island. I shall have a go but have never even attempted to write a script before, so had better get on with some research, not to mention thinking up a storyline! I'm not quite sure how I expect to fit this in with everything else I have planned to do, but there's no harm in giving it my best shot (however dire that may turn out to be).

I love Fridays. Having the entire weekend ahead of me, especially one with absolutely nothing planned apart from relaxation and writing, is thrilling. So here's to a great weekend for all of us, may it be everything you wish it to be.


HelenMWalters said...

Ooh, The German Underground Hospital would be a great location. I went there once and it's sooo atmospheric!

Lane Mathias said...

Hmmmm the less said about eighties fashion the better I think. I've tried to hide photos so the teenager can't mock:-)

Have a lovely weekend Debs. Enjoy:-)

Ray-Anne said...

A script! How cool is that! As for sartorial disasters from the past? well there was this orange ra-ra skirt, and my school gym slip... I shall leave it there.
Have a great weekend - weather permitting, it may be hibernation special! LOL

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

helenmh - what an excellent idea, I shall certainly keep that in mind. It is eerie there isn't it, we went a couple of years ago with the kids and they were all suitably impressed.

lane - it's scary to think of some of the outfits I wore especially as I must have thought they looked great at the time. Hope you have a lovely weekend too.

ray-anne - it will be fun if I can come up with a storyline. I had a blue and white ra-ra skirt! Hope you have a great weekend too.

Annieye said...

Best of luck with the script.

Remember ear muffs and leg warmers with leggings - cringe!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

annieye - thanks, I still haven't a clue what to write.

I never wore ear muffs but remember some stripy leg warmers!!! Certainly couldn't wear leggings now.