Tuesday 13 November 2007

Sorrento and the Queen...

Today has been cold. Very little sun interspersed with driving rain, so I thought I would put a picture of where I would love to be right now - Sorrento. Mmmmm, one can dream!!! Had a glorious holiday there with dh earlier in the year and can't wait to go back again - though I'm not exactly sure when.
It's my daughter's 13th birthday tomorrow and like the Queen, she will be celebrating throughout Wednesday, Thursday and enjoying a party for 18 on Friday culminating in a sleepover for several of her invitees. She can't wait...I can't wait until Saturday morning! Is that mean? Or simply honest? No doubt my son will barracade himself in his room. Hoards of noisy thirteen year olds are not the best fun in the world when you are a sixteen year old boy!
Grumpy and I will bear it as best we can....


Ray-Anne said...

Good morning Deb. And Grumpy. I may be teenager-free [is there a shampoo for that?] but I do sympathise.
You could always just throw caution to the wind, find that disco ra-ra skirt and boob tube from your college days and just embarrass yourself - the photos and memories will be enough to traumatise the poor girl into therapy, but hey its only once.

Just dropping in to say thanks for the blog and wish you Best of British with the writing.
We are not dreamy no-hopers. WE ARE PRE-PUBLISHED AUTHORS AND GODDESSES. One and all!
And yes, I have had a lot of caffeine this morning.
LOL Ray-Anne

Lane Mathias said...

Children's birthday's go on for days don't they. Good luck with the sleepover. I fear you may need to seek refuge in your shed:-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Ray-Anne - Thanks for your comment. I would love to take your advice, re the rara skirt though it would be a complete miracle if I could fit it around one leg, never mind my hips! At least being pre-published we do not have to worry about deadlines and I like the thought of being a goddess. I shall remember that.

Lane - Thank you, I can't wait until sleepover is finished. Going by past experience the next day is filled with over-tired, pasty-faced miseries...and that's just me.