My poor Grumps has been rather unwell, but after an injection of antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory, he's back to his bossy self. This won't last because unbeknown to him he's got an appointment with the brave lady who clips him. This will entail:
a) Happy, waggy dog leaning up at the car window, until;
b) he sniffs the air and realizes where he's going; and then
c) he trembles as if he's going to fall apart at the seams and has to be dragged (or lifted) out of the car and handed over.
Poor him. Thankfully I've persuaded Rob to take him today.
It's been a busy week finally handing over all my clients to colleagues and leaving yesterday at 2pm to be taken
here for an afternoon sitting in the sun by a pool with two fabulous friends. We laughed, chatted, ate and drank pink bubbles from 2pm until late - I say this because I can't remember the time, but I think it was about 8-ish. So, I'm a little fragile this morning, but it was worth it.
I haven't wound down yet and still have clients on my brain and was typing Minutes two minutes before shutting down my computer and leaving. Shows what a ???? not sure what word to use there, but I'm sure a word for 'person who can't switch off and spends time away from work fretting about clients and To Do lists' is what I'm looking for 'pillock' maybe? I'm nervous for next Tuesday, but will be glad to get started and start settling in.
I went to see Sex & The City 2 the other night. Frivolous, camp and such fun. Loved it.
Today is going to be about 27 degrees (apparently), which is great as I have family coming for dinner and love it when we can eat outside. I'd better go and see if I can persuade Sas to help with the hoovering.