Sunday 16 March 2014

Spring & World Book Night

It's Spring. I love this time of  year, even though it's sometimes difficult to find the time to simply sit and 'be' to appreciate everything. It's probably my second favourite time of year - I adore the summer - and I love watching everything come to life, especially after a long, wet and windy winter. As well as the new season, I'm also starting a new job and I've begun writing a new book. So, I'm moving into a new phase personally, too. Exciting stuff!

I can never understand people  complaining about having nothing to do in their spare time. "Spare time, what's that?" I hear you ask. I always seem to have too many things to do each day, never mind not enough and even if I'm not writing, I'm reading someone else's book. Which reminds me, I'm going to be a World Book Night Giver again this year - 23 April - and the book I've been allocated is Jeffrey Archer's, Four Warned. It wasn't my first, or even second choice, but I love taking part. This will be the second time I've been a giver and I'm looking forward to it. I'm also going to be a Community Giver and will give out a book of my choice.

What are you enjoying, or looking forward to this Spring?