Pinned up in front of me on the shed wall is a card that my aunt, Gerry gave to me several years ago. On it is a picture like the one here of George Eliot and on it are the rather calming words (for me anyway) "It's never to late to be what you might have been". Whenever I feel thoroughly fed up and miserable that I'm not achieving what I want to with my writing, all I have to do is look up and directly in front of me are those words. They never fail to make me feel much better about myself.
So much for watching what I eat, I simply can't have enough of Whispers and cannot imagine why they will only be in the shops for a limited time. Maybe if they came back for good I could slow down (or maybe that's just me kidding myself!) The woman in the nearby shop told me that once they run out they won't be getting any more. Panic!
I have my stash of Whispers and was all ready to enjoy a cosy night by the fire (once I had added a few hundred or so words to my wip - have to do this before admitting to Lane how I've done this week - not bad actually, phew!) Anyhow, I digress (again) where was I? Oh yes, all ready to settle down in the warm on this horribly stormy night when ds announces that the bus won't be coming in our direction late enough for him and so I will now have to venture forth into the miserable weather and collect him. Honestly, there's always something to interrupt any peace and quiet I may have planned!