Saturday 31 October 2009

Happy Birthday Andrea & Happy Halloween

Happy Birthday to my great pal, Andrea. We've enjoyed so many fantastic times together, always filled with hysterical laughter, and she tells a story better than most writers do. I wish she'd take up writing, but she insists she couldn't think of anything worse, and far prefers persuing other interests.

I was just reading a post at Kaye Manro's fab blog about a psychic experience she recently had with her cat, and as today is the time for spooky tales, I thought I'd mention this one.

Years ago I was going to a party and needed to wear my best jewellery, however I couldn't find the earrings and bracelet anywhere. I searched the entire house, without success. My mother phoned and during the conversation I mentioned it to her. She suggested we put down our phones, go and sit quietly, and let our minds clear, then try to see if we could picture where the jewellery was. We did this - my mother lives in South Africa, so it's not as if I could pop round to her house to do it - 10 minutes later she called me back and asked me what I'd seen. I told her I'd pictured a handbag. She agreed and said to go and look through my bags. I did, and there was the jewellery wrapped in a tissue. I can't remember putting it in there, but I must have done at the end of a party or something.

There's a thick fog today, which means we won't get the newspapers to the island, such a pain, as I like the saturday magazines. Tonight I'm dropping S off at a Halloween Party, and I gather my son is going to one too. Somehow I think hers will be far tamer than his... I'll be staying at home with R and the grumpy dog who is now wearing white socks, as opposed to the pale blue ones of yesterday. I'm looking forward to him stopping this paw chewing business, as neither of us like the socks on him. Happy Halloween.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Bubbles, Love Films & Jam Pots

I usually only receive books in the post, and although I'm not one to complain about that - rejoice more like - when I received this in a package the other day, I was delighted. My mother kindly sent it to me, and when I went to put it with the other jam pots I've collected over the years, it dawned on me that although I've lived in this house eight years, I must have a box I haven't unpacked. So, I'll be clambering through the loft at some point this week.

Had a boozy night in on Friday when a couple of girl-friends came round for a meal. It was a great evening with much hilarity, endless gossip, and far too much quaffing of the bubbly kind of alcohol. Naturally, there was the obligitary hangover the following day. So, apart from enjoying, Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day, thanks to another friend, Andrea, introducing me to I did very little and today have to catch up with this never-ending editing, that I'm determined to finish at some point this week. Have to really, as NaNo starts next Sunday.

I've put the clocks back in the house, but the one in my car is a bit of a pain. I was going to sleep for longer this morning and make the most of the extra hour, but Grumpy had other ideas and pestered me until I gave in and let him out into the garden.

Looking forward to the last episode of Emma tonight. Having whinged about it originally, I've now become caught up in the story, and have enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. Love Jonny Lee Miller though, so that probably helped a bit.

Sunday 18 October 2009

2nd Blog Anniversary - How Time Flies

This is where I'll be spending my second blog anniversary, pressing on until I finish my editing. The shed is a dreadful mess, so I really must make a note to give it a tidy up, but strange as it may seem, I do know where everything is - no, really.

I can't believe it's already been two years since I started my blog. I wasn't too sure what blogging was all about, or if anyone would ever visit mine, but thought it looked like fun.

Now, however, I've met and 'met' in the cyber-sense, so many supportive, fun and genuinely talented people; I'm a member of writing groups, and it doesn't matter what advice I'm trying to find, there's always someone able to provide it.

Right, I'd better get on. R is - noisily - cutting the hedge, though I can't moan as he's also put on what promises to be a tasty roast beef lunch for me, and all I need to do is prepare an apple crumble with the last apples from the garden, then I'm back in the shed with Grumps, to continue with my never-ending editing.

Have a great day.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Heaven Can Wait by Cally Taylor

The lovely Cally Taylor's - I know, I've met her - debut novel, Heaven Can Wait is published today by Orion, and having read an extract I can tell you it's going to be a fab book.

My copy is winging it's merry way to me as we speak - we alway have to wait a little longer living in sunny Jersey - and I can't wait to start reading. I'm hoping it arrives in time for the weekend.

To celebrate the publication you can enter up to three competitions, each with great prizes - please visit Cally's website here to find out more.

I'm off to quaff a couple of glasses and drink a toast to Cally.

Friday 9 October 2009

Shedblogging and a Watersplash

I'm tempted to light another fire, although R insists it isn't cold enough, and said he couldn't see the point if I'm in the shed typing. So, not wishing to mess up my beautifully manicured nails (Biogelled this morning) I'm taking my trusty netbook and going to sit in the lounge and work in front of the fire - he also says that I don't recognize the word 'No', and I can't disagree with him on that point.

Uncle Wilco of Shedblog kindly sent me this fab badge. I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Shed of the Year 2009 competition, and if there are any of you sheddies that fancy entering for Shed of the Year 2010, why not go here and have a look. *whispers* I'm thinking Fia of the Shed and Kat

Sarah Beeny will be one of the judges again this year. You can have a look at the 2009 finalists here

Fiona Robyn is going to blog her next novel, Thaw, starting on the 1st of March next year. The novel follows 32 year old Ruth’s diary over three months as she decides whether or not to carry on living.

To help spread the word she’s organising a Blogsplash, where blogs will publish the first page of Ruth’s diary simultaneously (and a link to the blog).

She’s aiming to get 1000 blogs involved – if you’d be interested in joining in, email her at or find out more information here.

Monday 5 October 2009

NaNoWriMo 2009

After much (well a little) contemplation, I've signed up to take part in NaNoWriMo this year for the first time. I've been debating whether or not to as I was about to start writing a book I've been researching for a while, however, a few weeks ago, I came up with an idea for a Young Adult novel and am going to write that for NaNoWriMo, as I seem to work better against a deadline.

I'll give myself November to get the story from my head on to the paper/laptop and then once that's done, I'll get on with the mammoth task of writing the book I was originally going to work on, as I anticipate it taking rather a long time to complete.

That said, I still have to finish my editing, but have have been caught up with weeks of form-filling and generally sorting J out with regards to university. Now that's done, I can press on with my editing and start making headway with my writing once more.

The other day I wrote a list of dates in October, when I have things to remember to do (obviously not including the usual house/work/writing stuff, these are birthdays, appointments, etc): 5th, 9th (two appointments), 13th, 14th (two again), 16th (two again), 18th, 19th, 23rd, 30th and 31st. I just hope I don't forget anything.

Friday 2 October 2009

The Weekend Cometh - Thankfully

Another Friday, and it couldn't come quick enough. Up until yesterday it still felt warm and summery, but somehow today there's a distinct chill in the air. Although that could be psychological because it was so much darker when I crawled out of my bed this morning, and to be honest, I'm dying for an excuse to start lighting fires in the lounge once more.

The house seems emptier without my noisy son - whom I notice is having a ball at uni and appears to be spending all his time partying (lucky devil) - but it makes me think back to when he was little. How did that naughty (I'm not kidding, he was horrendous) little boy, grow up to be a man?

I love the things children do and say, and am looking forward to this new tv series, Tarrant Lets The Kids Loose, (Sunday, 6pm on Watch). In it, they secretly film children as they carry out different challenges, then show the children the films in front of a live audience. I've seen a preview and it looks great fun.

You can see Chris Tarrant being interviewed here, here, here, and here

Right, I'm off to finish reading I Do, I Do, I Do by Samantha Scott-Jeffries for Little Black Dress. You'll soon be able to read my review on Novelicious.

Have a great weekend.