I needed some money today (so what's new) and stopped at the cashpoint on the way home. The wind was howling and the rain almost horizontal as I ran up to wait my turn behind two young girls. Now, I don't know about you but it usually takes me a matter of seconds to put in card/press required PIN number/press required action/amount/etc and then leave. You would also think that standing in freezing cold sleet, wind etc would make someone bloody well move themselves... No, apparently not. These two giggled and changed their minds several times and must have been as wet and wind-swept as I was.
Needless to say that dd had come with me to the cashpoint but had left me there within a very short period of time and run off to the nearest shop where I joined her an age later, doing a remarkably thorough impression of a bag lady having been wrestled through an extremely thick hedge backwards. Dd was most amused and had to hold her sides she laughed so much. I gave a forced flicker of a smile until I caught my horrendous reflection in the shop shelving.