Thursday 25 September 2008

Before, After & Release Dates

This was my fir tree yesterday morning - I promise I shall shut up ranting on about my trees (or lack of) after this post. I have to say that the garden looks rather strange with all the work that was done yesterday, by two men who must have worked like demons. R kept them hydrated with copious amount of coffee (he did offer juice etc, but was only too happy to keep them in constant supply as they were doing so well).

This is my fir tree after they'd done their 'thing'. Logs. I shall be brave and now do as promised and shut the hell up about it.

The very lovely Christina Phillips has a digital release date of 24 October for her paranormal Scarlet Rosette from The Wild Rose Press, Foretaste of Forever, a dark erotic romance between a beautiful witch and her deeply tortured lover. You can read an adult rated excerpt on her blog.

S is feeling much better but thanks to her and sitting in an office with approximately 80 other people, half of whom have spent the week sneezing, coughing and no doubt breathing the same recycled air as me, I now have an onslaught of the dreaded lurgy (sp?). Nevermind, I didn't have too much planned for the weekend anyway and will be only too happy for an excuse to wrap up, dose up, lock self away in the shed and boost that flagging word count.


Lane Mathias said...

At least you're well logged up for winter Debs.

Hope you evade the lurgy.

Did you catch the last part of Lost in Austen btw?

Yvonne said...

Sorry to hear you're not well, but you sound like you've got lots of reinforcements to get you through it. Hope you get better soon.

Amanda said...

Oh dear, poor fir tree. :-(

Hope your lurgy doesn't last too long, and you get well soon. x

Pat Posner said...

Get better soon, Debs.

How about making something for the shed with some of those logs?

Leigh Russell said...

Cutting down trees is always sad. Especially when the cutting is more vicious than it had any right to be and a beautiful tree dies because some idiot with a saw went too far (yes, there's a real life drama behind my spleen.) We'll never employ that tree butcher again. The tree only needed pruning and he claimed to know what he was doing. There's a moral in all this. And I still miss that tree, even though we've replaced it with another younger one.

Leigh Russell said...

Sorry about my rant...

Tamsyn Murray said...

Aw, I feel for the trees, can't stand seeing them even cut back. It's Roald Dahl's fault,; he wrote a Tales of the Unexpected about a man who invented a machine which could hear plants screaming when they were cut. I've never really recovered...

Hope you feel better soon. It doesn't look like your word count is flagging to me :-)

Christina Phillips said...

Oh no, hope the dreaded lurgy disappears pronto, Debs!

And thank you so much for the lovely highlight of Foretaste of Forever!

Christina x

DJ Kirkby said...

Oh I hope you get bettr soon, that cold is going round our office too, a nasty one for sure. Shame about those tress...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

lane - yes, we certainly have enough fuel for our fire this year.

I did catch LiA and loved it. I thought of you watching it too. I hope you enjoyed it.

yvonne - thanks, feeling worse today, but hopefully will start to get better now. Damn thing.

annie bright - such a shame that it's gone as it was so pretty.

pat posner - thanks.

I think I could possibly even try to make an entire shed out of that and the logs from the other tree.

leigh russell - you rant on, I completely empathize with how you feel. The worst thing about someone doing that to your tree is that there's no going back. Horrible.

tam - oh I remember that story, it bothers me still. Why did he have to put that into our heads.

christina phillips - thanks, I hope so too.

I'm looking forward to reading it.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

dj kirkby - Sorry, I think our posts must have crossed.

I'm sure I'll feel much better soon, at least it's almost the weekend. x

HelenMWalters said...

Hope you dodge the lurgy - but if you don't, wrapping up and writing through it sounds like a good plan

Cait O'Connor said...

Hope you feel better soon.
Keep warm, plenty of fluids and rest.
Amber medicine sometimes recommended.

Milla said...

thanks for visiting - I have just spent FAR too long reading back through your blog and love it. Now, lured by that horrid little black box widget, off to waste some serious time. (PS Loved Lost in Austen, too.)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

helenmh - I haven't dodged it, unfortunately, and have been sneezing and shivering all flipping day. Nevermind, at least I'm at home today.

cait o'connor - thanks I shall take your advice on board. Any help welcome.

milla - thanks for your comment. I couldn't wait for the final episode of Lost in Austen and shall now have to buy the DVD to see it again, loved it.

I can't stop spending time on the black box widget, such fun.

Melissa Amateis said...

Snuggling up with the WIP sounds like a perfect weekend except for the sniffles! Hope you feel better soon.

Chris Stovell said...

Oh well, you will have plenty of logs to burn to keep you warm whilst you recover from your cold. Hope you are not struck down for long and manage to keep up the word count. Don't want you languishing on the sofa looking for suitable material for your heroes, do we?

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

melissa marsh - thanks. I would be happy if I could just stop sneezing for a bit.

chrish - we certainly have enough logs. I've spent most of the day doing nothing but have managed to get the word count up a bit this afternoon so dont feel too bad.

Karen said...

We had to have an enormous tree in our front garden chopped down recently, as it was in danger of falling on the house one day, but it is sad. They kind of bleed :o(

Load of logs for winter though.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon debs! Grumpy needs to take care of his mum and behave. x Im sure your word count will shoot back up when you have a bit more energy.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

karen - what a shame you had to chop down that tree, but sometimes we have to do these things.

motherx - thanks. G is feeling a little sore too as I think he's hurt his back again. R calls him 'sicknote'.

Jan said...

Hope youre better by time you read this!
This time last yr we chopped a HUGE willow down and felt devastated.
However now we realise how wonderful it is having extra light and even during this dreadful summer, certain plants nearby have flourished remarkably...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

jan - thank you, I'm feeling a little better today.

I suppose I shall get used to the trees not being there and am already planning what to replace the hedge with. Any excuse to visit a garden centre.