It's a little colder today and winter looms ever closer, but at least that means that the next series of Spooks does too. Here's a great interview by Kevin Maher of the Times Online with Richard Armitage today about his new role as Lucas North, yay I can't wait, although he does say that he wants to play characters that "...are disgusting and look ugly and crap". Nevermind, I shall have to make the most of him looking gorgeous for the time being then. The new series starts the week of 27 October.
R and I have just arrived home from buying a Hydrangea (pink), two Camellias (one pink and one red), an Olive tree (love it) and a Metasequoia (Dawn Redwood). This is all well and good, but now they'll need to be planted, so I'm going to have to get the wellies back on again.
After much contemplation, it doesn't help having so many to choose from, I eventually chose a book from my tbr pile(s) and have started reading Movie Girl, by Kate Lace . I'm thoroughly enjoying it and will get back to it as soon as I've finished posting this.
Hi Debs - just taking a breather and popped across to say hello. I've been really busy writing and have had to give blogging a miss. (And I have missed it!) Hope your daughter is not in too much pain from having brace adjusted today. My son got his off about nine months ago after spending two and a half years with them on. And I love Penny Vincenzi too. Have you read 'Another Woman' it intrigued me how a main character could be absent from all the action - but she pulls it off wonderfully.
Happy blog anniversary, Debs x
Happy 1st Birthday Debs. Hope someone baked you a lovely chocolate cake TFx
Happy blog birthday Debs and enjoy Movie Girl!
annieye - have just popped over to your site and left a message - blimey you've been a busy woman!
I haven't read 'Another Woman' but I think it's in my tbr pile somewhere, so will no doubt get round to it at some point. Best of luck with everything.x
amanda - thanks, I can't believe it's been a year already. x
tom foolery - thanks for the wishes. No one has thought to buy me a cake though, how very remiss of them. Mind you I have enjoyed a packet of Maltesers and they were rather tasty, so will have to do.x
yvonne - thanks, I'd hate to think how many extra hours I've spent on this computer since starting blog.x
Happy blog birthday. I thought your blog had been going longer than that x
Happy Birthay dear blog and dear Debs:)
Love olive trees.
Happy blog birthday!
Enjoy your read.
Well done for keeping going for a year, here's to the next one.
Happy blogaversary! xo
helenmh - it probably feels like it has because I never stop waffling on:)
fiona - thanks. I love Olive trees too and can't wait to have ours delivered and planted.
jj - thanks, I'm loving Movie Girl.
sally's chateau - thanks very much, I just hope I can keep thinking of things to post :)
dj kirkby - thanks, I can't believe it's a year already, although it also feels as if I've been doing this for much longer.
Happy 1st birthday, Divine Miss M sends a big kiss too.
Aw Debs. Thanks! I LOVE your blog.It's always sunny and funny and informative. Happy anniversary!
andrea - thanks so much and big kisses to the Divine Miss M. I hope she's having a relaxing Sunday and not having to chase of monster dogs now that she has a new fence around her garden.
phillipa - no, thank you. I can't believe it's a year already.
Happy 1st birthday little blog!! It's a bit daunting starting out on this old blog malarky isn't it - I am very glad that you continued :-)
I've just spent ages catching up on what you've been up to - I hope daughters mouth is better and have you checked out DJ's recipe for apple crisps?? Might be a good way to use up the last of your apples...
C x
Happy blogversary, Debs.
Congrts to you for keeping your blog going for 1 year now! That is great! Since finding you, I so enjoyed reading your posts. Keep them coming...
carol - glad to see you back again. It is rather daunting, I agree.
S's mouth is much better, thanks. I shall have a look at DJ's recipe too.
pat - thanks v much.
kay manro - thank you for the congrats and saying that you like my posts, much appreciated.
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary, Debs. Can you remember how frightened you were when sending out that first post? Would anyone respond? Thankfully there's people like Lane in the blogosphere who do.
Thanks for the heads-up on our hero RA. I must figure out how long it will be before we can get Spooks across the pond. Lucky you. He does wonderful interviews about the different roles he's playing. I like that he's not so full of himself.
Happy belated blogday! Three readers on your first post, eh? I didn't get any on mine but that may be because I posted it somewhere obscure and only moved here when no-one read it. I keep telling myself that, anyway...
faye - thanks. I'm sure I'd never have continued like I have done without Lane and her encouragement and friendly posts.
RA is rather wonderful and I'm thrilled that he'll be in Spooks as it's one of my favourite programmes, although I'm sad that Rupert PJ will be leaving, but you cant have everyting.
tam - thank you. I didn't actually have three comments on my first post, but they were the first three people who actually commented. I got such a fright when I received the first one.
Aw! Hippo Blogging Birdie, Debs. I'm very glad you took that first step.
chrish - thanks and talking of taking the first step, many congratulations once again on your wonderful half marathon.
Congrats on the Big One Debs. It seems like much longer than that as I feel like I've 'known' you for ages:-)
Soo looking forward to Spooks. Can't wait. What happened to poor Jo at the end of the last series??
Happy blogiversary, Debs. I do love coming across here, reading your thoughts and envying your lovely shed.
Here's to year two!
lane - I know it does seem like longer.
I think Jo and the gorgeous Rupert PJ (can't believe he's going, I suppose we can't have everything) were being held hostage and she was begging Adam to kill her before the baddies (can't remember who they were) did horrible things to her.
wordtryst - thanks so much, I'm glad you keep popping over too.
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