I have to admit that I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning, when her friends (who will be out for a meal with her tonight, then home for a sleepover) will have been collected, and I can start restoring the house to it's former state.

This week saw Happy Birthday's launch party, and if you'd like to read Christina's hilarious post about how her day went and see photos, please go here to her blog. It sounds like a truly fun day all round.

I've read the blurb on Christmas Wishes, Mistletoe Kisses by the lovely Fiona Harper - poor thing was at my first RNA Awards Lunch a couple of years ago, and kindly chatted to me, which was such a relief as I had no idea what to talk about (books, one would assume) or who to, and pretty much must have looked as terrified and gormless as I felt.
So, as well as being a kind and thoughtful person, she also writes great books.
I've just read Christina's post and it really is very funny - looking forward to reading her book too :o)
It's funny how I always looked forward to the day AFTER those sleepover parties too! Mine are too old for them now, but that's not entirely a bad thing...
OH YES, that birthday sleepover is fabulous (after they've all gone).
I do hope they have a lovely time.
Happy birthday to S! Very interesting post with lots of writerly incentives... must see what Christina's been up to.
karen - I'm hoping the house is in some sort of order by the time they all go tomorrow.
jj - I agree. Thanks, I'm sure they'll have a great time.
chrish - thanks, I'll tell her.
Happy Birthday to 'S' and Happy Sleepover to all!
Debs, Chris's posts usually make me laugh. HER 'Happy Birthday' is soooo good - as are all her books.
Oh, sleepovers! So fun. Yet so nice when they're over! ;-)
Happpy b'day to your daughter!
Happy Birthday S! x
Happy Birthday to S !! Hope she has a great day. Those books sound great debs! especially the Della Galton one. Have a great weekend. x
Happy Birthday to S! How do they get to be so big so quickly? It's a mystery to me:-)
Hope you survive the sleepover:-)
Many happy birthday wishes to S. They do grow up scarily quickly so enjoy every minute of it - even the sleepover mess. It only seems like yesterday that Elle was 14 - nostalgic sigh... And thanks a million for the Happy Birthday and blog plug - you're a star!
Hope you are enjoying the peace and quiet and a delightfully clean house. I went over to CJ's blog and giggled my way through reading about her book launch, thanks for sending me there.
Hi Debs
Oooh, sleepovers - I remember those with terror hee hee! Mine are a bit too big for that now! I have put Della's book on my Christmas list - hope I get it! x
Be sure and send Happy Birthday wishes to S. And that book on short story writing sounds good. Take care, Debs.
pat - thanks, I shall tell S.
I agree, Chris' books are brilliant.
melissa marsh - thanks. I'm glad it's over and we're getting back to normal now.
helenmh - thanks, I shall tell her.
motherx - thanks. They do look like great books, I've started reading Della G's one already.
lane - thanks. I can't believe she's 14 already, it's gone frighteningly fast.
chris - thanks, I shall tell S.
It only seems like yesterday that she was so tiny, soon I'll be going through the wedding preparations like you will Elle. So surreal.
dj kirkby - You're so right, it's great having the house back to normal now.
Christina's blog his so funny, well worth visiting.
amanda - I hope you get it too, it looks great. It can only improve the way I write short stories:)
kaye manro - thanks, I will.
It is great, and well worth a read.
I know I'm a bit late (Been away) but happy belated birthday to S...I hope she had a lovely time and that you have recovered!!
C x
carol - thanks, I shall tell her. She did have a great time and I'm slowly recovering :)
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