We all had a great Christmas and were thorougly spoilt with loads of presents, too much food, and alcohol. Grumpy adores his new bed (can you see where the bed ends and he begins?) which is faux fur and higher at the sides than his others (two!). I've even managed (she says, crossing fingers/holding thumbs and hoping for the best) to sort out my drama with the wip, and am now rewriting the last third of the book.
Yesterday, I finished reading The House at Riverton, and have to say it's one of the best books I've ever read. I loved it, and putting it down to speak to people/write, etc was incredibly hard. I've now started, The Kissing Gates by Mackenzie Ford (bought for me by S) and it's excellent. J bought me, Devil May Care, by Sebastian Faulks, which he borrowed from a friend whilst on his trek and loved it so much, he insists that I will too. So that will be the next book on my tbr list.
The shed is so cold, despite the fan heater, that I had to buy these from Accessorize.

Awww, he looks so cozy in his bed! And I'm with you - the vacation went by too fast and I wasn't too happy to go to work today, but I'm looking forward to a 3-day work week at least.
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas!
Your shed must be very cold. Maybe Grumpy will lend you his bed to put your feet in.t6666666666cyv78fff/l (that final part of the comment was from Tabs not me!)
I could rather get use to this no working marlarkay, not back until the 5th :)
Have a good New Year's Eve TFX
Love Grumpy's bed. Luxury!
Glad you had a good Christmas. Being at your desk at 7.30 must have been a complete shock to the system:-(
The gloves are brill. Very writerly:-)
Back to Work???? Thankfully not yet. Hope you had a productive daY AND DIDN'T FREEZE!
Sounds like a brilliant Christmas and thanks for the reading recommendations :-)
Cor I quite fancy Grumpy's bed.
Hope the gloves help :-)
I'd fight Grumpy for that bed ... it looks so cozy.
Great news about sorting out the wip. Yay.
Sounds as if you need a faux fur Grumpy bed for you to write in your shed... brrrrr...
The whole 'back to work' thing is utter torture, isn't it?
Awww Grumpy looks sooo cute in his new bed!! I'm really missing our splats (and it's only been two days!!) but am planning to spoil them in 6 months time (6 MONTHS *sigh*) when they are back living with us.
Your mitts look lovely and cosy :-)
C x
Happy New Year, Debs!
Here's to 2009!!
One thing I don't miss is getting up for work on these cold dark winter mornings. Mind you, I didn't like going in on the warm, sunny summer mornings either.
I'm glad someone is working and keeping the economy ticking over. Best wishes for 2009!
Melissa M - I also have a three day week this week, and could do with one every week.
helenmh - p)(£*)$*£:; from us to Tabs x
TF - I'm finding it a bit of a struggle having to concentrate. Hope you have a great one too.
lane - he loves it.
It was a huge shock, still is :)
liz f - everything was white this morning and I had to drive in when it was still dark. Horrible.
Tam - gloved did help. Roll on summer.
jj - I've thought about it too.
spiralskies - it would be great.
Torture, is a good description of it.
carol - six months is horribly long, poor you.x
christina p - same to you, here's hoping its a good one.
east anglian troy - lol, I just wish it wasn't me! Same to you, here's to a great 2009.
Ah writing with gloves on, yes I remember it well. Have a great new year.
Grumpy's bed looks wonderful and I hope the socks do their trick! Have a great new year, Debs!
claire p - the gloves are fab, and work well, thankfully.
Hope you have a brilliant 2009 too. x
flowerpot - he loves it and trots off to it whenever he can.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year too. x
We're all in sock-boots with pom-poms at the moment, especially now our boiler has decided to pack up just as the temperature's dropped to -50 !!
Shame you're back to work already, but here's to a happy 2009 :o)
Landed here via the black box. Love the blog. I have The House at Riverton on my list of books to read...guess I better get to it....=)
Happy New Year to you...=)
Do you know, I've been thinking about you in your shed? I was wondering how you were doing out there... I suppose that's one good reason for returning to work. Love that photo of the bed with eyes! Happy New Year, Debs!
Just popped over to wish you and yours all the best in 2009, Debs. Good luck with the writing,
Several of my friends have been moaning about how hard to go back to work after a vacation break, especially having to give up non-stop reading and staying up late. I love retirement! Sebastion Faulks' "Birdsong" and "Charlotte Gray" are long-time favorites for me. Have you read either? Will check out your latest Faulks.
deserthen - thanks for visiting and your comment. The House at Riverton was truly superb, I now can't wait to read The Forgotten Garden.
All the best for 2009.
chrish - I've looked at the photo and it really does look like a bed with eyes, brilliant :)
Happy New Year to you too. x
faye - thanks, I hope you have a wonderful year too.
I haven't read either of those books, but will definately do so now. x
It must have been hard, especially as its so cold! Personally Im looking forward to normality...a bit of peace and quiet!
Any fan heater for your shed?
motherx - I'm happy to be getting back to normal (apart from going to the office, of course). I do have a fan heater, but it's finding it hard to cope.
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