The short-listed books and a brief description was read out, as each book was shown on four screens placed around the room, one on either side of the stage and a further two in the main part of the room. I have to say that it must have been a difficult task for the judges to choose between them, as they all sounded so good.

Each table had a large black candelabra, decorated with black and red feathers, and clear candles in the holders. The courses were served with great aplomb and immaculately presented. I can be a fussy eater - not that you'd know it to look at me - but even I ate everything placed in front of me.
My friend Andrea came with me as my guest, and once we'd met, as arranged at Victoria Station (where I saw copies of Caroline Smailes' Black Boxes in WH Smith), we decided to forget the tube and go by double decker bus (another highlight for me as we haven't had them in Jersey for years). We were on it so long that we thought we were lost. We weren't of course, but were just having such fun that we felt sure we'd missed our stop.
I arrived and immediately bumped into Ray-Anne, please see her fab with photos and far more detail than I can possibly remember. Liz was looking wonderful and taking photos so I'm sure she'll have those on her blog shortly, and I got to meet the fab, Calistro, who introduced me to her lovely agent and the bubbly Debby Holt, who's book, Love Affairs for Grown-ups, I bought yesterday after the lunch, as well as Adele Park's new novel, Tell Me Something. (Note to self, tell R that these were freebees from the lunch...).
A beautiful crystal, Lifetime Achievement Award in the shape of a star, was given to Judy Piatkus who gave a lovely speech.
The food was great, and you can see photos of it on Kate Hardy's blog here. I have to confess that although I did take photos, they were utterly useless, and all the camera did was take up much needed room in my handbag.
I had a fabulous day, and despite the hideous winds, constant rain and threat of snow the previous day, Tuesday though a tad blustery and certainly colder than I'd expected (it never ceases to amaze me that we're only a little further south than England, but usually warmer) was wonderfully sunny.
I eventualy caught my flight, arriving home just before 9pm and was greeted by Grumpy, who was so excited at seeing me, you would have thought I'd been gone at least a month. Today was back to work... On that subject, I shall say no more.
So glad you had such a brilliant time. Wish I could have been there. Maybe next time.
Sounds like you had marvellous time, weather notwithstanding, and I think East of the Sun is a worthy winner :o)
It sounds like a great evening. I must look into the RNA. I expect you have to have been published to join though. Shame the photos were no good, would have liked to see them.
Yay! Glad you had fun. :-)
Ooh, thanks for filling us with all the links, Debs. I'm glad you went and could tell us about it.
shirley wells - it would have been lovely to meet you, maybe next time.
karen - it was wonderful fun, as usual. I haven't read the winning book, but the cover is beautiful and the author seemed really lovely too.
claire p - you don't have to be published. I'm a member of the New Writers' Scheme - go to the site (see link on my blog) and have a look. They only take 250 members a year (unpubbed) so you'll need to hurry. It's well worth it.
melissa - I did, thanks.
chrish - thanks, it was great fun.
Debs - landed in Dubai this am very early - so promised to get the photos up at some point today.
Great to see you even if it was so quick!!!
That sounds like an absolutely fab day out!! OMG my 'books to be bought' pile has just grown...we really need to get some shelves to put them on!!
C x
I was a great day wasn't it? Great to meet you Debs. Hopefully we'll get more of a chance to chat at the conference this summer (once I've sent off my membership fee that is!)
Sounds like a wonderful day, debs. I'm so glad it went well! YAY!
Eek, sounds fab :-)
liz - glad to hear you arrived back safely. Have just seen your photos, they're brilliant, as usual. Thanks.
carol - it was fab. My tbr piles are obscenely high. R glares at them every so often.
calistro - it was great to meet you. I shan't be at the conference this year though as I'm going to a writing course in Caerleon for a week at the end of July and can't go away twice - unfortunately.
mummy - it was great fun, thanks.
tam - it was!
Glad it was worth the trip! Grumpy...what a little sweetie.
Glad you had a good time x
What a treat, and all those new books too - perfect!
Sounds like a great event Debs - thanks for the info. And a lovely welcome from Grump!
dj kirkby - it certainly was worth it, such fun. Grumps is so dramatic when I've been out, bless him.
helen - thanks, it was fabulous.
lucy diamond - it was great, but I really didn't need to buy any more books. Can't help myself though!
flowerpot - it was so enjoyable, and the food was glorious.
Sounds like you had a brilliant time! Isn't it great to be missed!! Hope you feel all inspired.
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