Friday 6 February 2009

Romantic Novelists' Association 2009 Valentine's Poll Results

Romantic Novelists vote Richard Armitage

Sexiest Thing On Two Legs

British actor Richard Armitage has leapt from last year’s 4th place to this
year topping the ratings in the Romantic Novelists’ Association 2009
Valentine’s poll, to take the title of Sexiest Thing on Two Legs, beating
top Hollywood stars to the number one spot.

Johnny Depp, who topped last year’s poll, was pushed firmly into second
place, with Hugh Jackman and George Clooney mere also-rans. “Richard
Armitage took 20% of the vote, more than double the count of any other male
on the list,” said the RNA pollster. “He was a clear winner from the off.”

The RNA is not alone in admiration of the actor, as numerous online Richard
Armitage fan sites will testify. The ardency began with North and South,
grew by leaps and bounds with the leather-clad baddie in Robin Hood, and
shows no sign of diminishing as Spooks takes to the airwaves.

‘It’s a coup for Britain,’ said one starstruck writer, ‘not just for sexy

According to romantic novelists, the sexiest male celebrities of 2009 are:

1 Richard Armitage

2 Johnny Depp

3 Hugh Jackman

4 George Clooney

5 Daniel Craig

6 Sean Bean

7 Alan Rickman

8 David Tennant

9 Pierce Brosnan

10 Gerard Butler


Kaye Manro said...

This is absoutely great, Debs! I'd love to link this post to my courtly love post for today, if you don't mind. I can agree with most of this list, but I do have a few sexy heroes of my own... hmm, I'll save that for another post! Kaye

Kaye Manro said...
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Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

kaye - please feel free to do so. I also agree with most of the list, but would have Gerry Butler as my second choice.

HelenMWalters said...

No Simon Cowell? What's wrong with these people?

Unknown said...

How can Hugh Jackman be way down at number 3? And Sean Bean at 6?

I just wish I could ask them all how they felt about this poll. (A girl can dream.)

Troy said...

I hear that John Sargent removed himself from this competition to prevent himself winning. Or am I confusing it with another competition?

Lane Mathias said...

Agree with No1 but then I don't know who #3 and #10 are. Should I find out?:-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

helen - I've no idea. How can he have been left out of such a poll?

shirley wells - wouldn't it be wonderful if we could ask them?

troy - bless him, I missed his little marching routine when he left.

lane - I think you should. Maybe I could come too?

Melissa Amateis said...

I am VERY pleased to see my beloved Daniel Craig on the list. Le sigh...

Liane Spicer said...

I don't know three of the people on this list, and the ones I do know I'm not ga-ga over. Give me Viggo Mortensen. Or Clive Owen. Or even that naughty boy from Mr. Ripley. (Can't remember his name... Senior moment?)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

melissa - he is rather lovely.

wordtryst - that would be either Jude Law or Matt Damon, I think.

Liane Spicer said...

Jude Law. I find him perversely appealing.

Anonymous said...

Where on earth is Johnathan Rehys-Meyers on the list? thats just not right.

Cait O'Connor said...

I've not heard of Richard Armitage but he is very good looking in the photo.

Anonymous said...

I'm with motherx - JRM would be top of my list too. Sorry, sorry, sorry but RA does nothing for me - I didn't vote in the poll so not sure I should comment but I don't fancy matinee idol men - prefer them flawed, dangerous, more edgy -this lot are so CLEAN (and/or - er - old)!!!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

wordtryst - I thought he was lovely in TTMR, but he doesn't usually appeal to me. Maybe it was the scenery of the film that I remember liking.

motherx - that's a good point. I can't think how he was missed out, far too gorgeous to forget.

cait - I adore him, and watch everything he's in (such a sad case).

chris - oh yum, I adore JRM, and can't think why he wasn't on there. Too naughty maybe. Can't wait for Tudors to come back on, mind you, I do hope he's still young in it and they don't make him up to look old and horrible.

Christina Phillips said...

LOL I second that - WHERE is my gorgeous Clive Owen?? Although I'm quite partial to David Tennant, adore Hugh Jackman, rather fancy Daniel Craig and still have hysterics every time I see Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nott!!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

christina phillips - Oh yes, poor Clive, where's he disappeared to?

claire p said...

I have to say I'm with Lane in not knowing 3 and 10. A good list though, definatly a few there I wouldn't kick out of bed!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

claire p - you'll have to look them up, they're both gorgeous, and I have to admit that No 10 would be my second choice on that list.

Tamsyn Murray said...

I'll have Gerald Butler, if no-one objects?