For only £1.00 with 87p going to good causes, it's a brilliant idea that even a technophobe like me can manage, as you can see from the rather deranged expression on my photo. You're then free to download the photo on your blog, Facebook, or whatever.
It's a perfect way to get involved in Red Nose Day this friday (13th March) and do something funny.
You look gorgeous!
very fetching Debs - well done you!
Wow. That's brilliant. Well done!
Hah! Only you could wear a big red nose and still look gorgeous! Me, well I just look like I am wearing a big red nose! *sigh* Will post mine up on Friday.
Ha ha, I'm sure I'm sure someone looking very similar to you on FB earlier!
What a great idea, Debs!
Very interesting, Debs. And you do look fab. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
caroline - you're so kind.
flowerpot - thanks, I was glad to find it on caroline's blog.
shirley wells - it's a great and easy way to get involved.
dj kirkby - lol, I've seen your pic on FB and you look lovely. I just look tired and washed out.
amanda - you certainly did see me there.
kaye manro - that's very kind of you to say so. I think I should have made the nose a little bigger :)
What a good idea, and I must say it rather suits you :o)
Must get me one!
Debs. That is a brilliant idea. I agree, it does suit you.
Tch, how can you manage to look gorgeous with a ridiculous red nose on your face. It's not fair!
But what did Grumpy think about it, Debs?
Or did you get him one, too?
Well done.Very fetching.
Can you write by any chance ? Yes. Oh good. Thirteen Knockers needs YOU! ;-) Tfx
What a great idea! That red nose looks very cute on you, Debs!!
You don't look at all deranged; you look very, very cute.
karen - I thought yours looked rather fetching too
helen - I loved your Red Nose picture too.
phillipa - thank you, m'dear.
maddie moon - you're far too kind :)
pat - I have now, thanks for the idea.
tf - I got there too late, I'm afraid.
christina p - it is a great idea, and so easy to do.
wordtryst - I think I look a little bemused - my usual expression.
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