If you go to Leigh's site here you can read more about it and also her virtual book launch, where when you've bought your copy of Cut Short, you can email her and if you include the name you'd like her to sign the book for, she'll send you a signed message that you can print out and stick in the book. How clever is that?
I've just noticed that I've had a letter published in this months Writers' Forum mag, and should now be getting a free moleskin notebook. I love notebooks. So happy.
Right, I'd better dash. Just returned from an hour in the car, thanks to daughter's sports day and the nightmare that is countless overheated, irate parents, sitting in cars waiting for their daughters to finally get to the car park so they can sit for an age whilst they queue to get out.
Have a great weekend.
nifty idea!!
sounds like you had some sun! at least there was that... :)))
Another publishing success, Debs! Well done.
That is an interesting idea for promoting a book and connecting with readers. Thanks for the link!
I saw your letter in WF. Congrats!
Well done on your letter in WF!
Debs - thank you very much for the fantastic comments about Cut Short. I've just had a great review in the Watford Observer, ("a taut, slick, easy to read thriller" and "it's fascinating to hear her say she "stumbled into writing" when faced with a first work that's so accomplished" - how nice is that?) and then I received your message and read your post. I'm having a wonderful day! Thank you. I've emailed your signature.
Congratulations on having your letter published. I must check it out. The notebook sounds great. I love notebooks too. A clean page is very enticing. What to write on it?
I hope all goes well for you :)
Oh yay moleskin I love them too. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
I must get a copy of Leigh's book. Well done on getting your letter into WF - no easy feat. Moleskines are gorgeous :-)
anna - it is. I received my note from Leigh this morning.
chris - thanks, it was a lovely surprise.
chad - I thought it was very clever, and now I've started the book I can tell you it's excellent.
helen - thanks, m'dear.
womag - thank you.
leigh - well done re the review. Having started your book, I can see that it was justified. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
melrox - thanks very much.
yvonne - I know, I was thrilled. can't wait to receive it.
tam - I've started it and it's so easy to read, I'm loving it.
Thanks re the letter, it was great to see they'd printed it.
Ooohh, I love thrillers...will be buying a copy of this book!!
Congratulations on the letter :-)
C x
I love your blog, Debs!
Well done you. WOW! A moleskin notebook, very posh :) TFx
Well done on the letter. 'Free' and 'Moleskine' are words that go very well together:-)
carol - it's a great book, in fact I'm doing very little writing today because I want to keep reading this.
leigh - thank you.
tf - thanks, I was thrilled. You know how I love my notebooks.
lane - you're so right there. I can't wait to receive it and stare at it for a while.
Okay, I confess. I'm suffering from moleskin notebook envy. :)
Congrats on the letter!
Hope sports day went well - and that you won the mother's race!
Congrats on the letter. P x
I'm learning all about getting books published and promoted from a friend who's helping a friend with his book's birthing and journey. I also read his literary agent's blog because it has so much inside info about writing, writers, and publishing. Go to: http://betsylerner.com if you'd like to check her out. Sorry I didn't link you directly--am the pits in successful linking.
BTW Debs, how many books to you read in a week's time? You get as may post deliveries as I and I'm retired with all the time in the world to read! Congrats on getting your words printed for all to see!
liane - it hasn't arrived yet, I do hope they don't forget to send me one!
phillipa - thankfully I didn't have to enter any races, I'd still be running (of a sort).
faye - thanks for the link, I shall have a look there now.
It depends what else I'm doing as to how many books I get through but it can be between 1 and maybe 3(at a push).
Intresting idea re the book signing.
Ahh sports day, guess who was the one hiding in the loos?!?
And a belated happy 18th to James, sorry I missed that post, head in a bucket!
claire - it was a clever idea, wasn't it?
I used to hate sports days, all that running, eugh.
Thanks, for J's birthday wishes too.
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