If you want to read what the judges had to say about the other finalists, please go here. However Sarah Beeny had this to say about Grumpy's Palace, "...Though I was tempted by Grumpy’s Palace as it looks just like my office," and Chris Evans said this, "Grumpy’s shed was a great shed but nothing that nice and welcoming should be called grumpy - I’m saying next year change the name and you’re in with a shout, son."
I've had such fun taking part, and I'm sure Grumpy has too, though to look at the expression on his face, it's a little hard to tell. A big thank you, once again, to everyone who voted for Grumpy's Palace. Your votes were much appreciated.
Don't forget to have a look at the Richard Armitage interview over at Vulpes Libris
Good job with the shed competition, Debs. Was a bit puzzled about the winner--kite shaped, maybe? Then I saw the inspiration for his design and it was clear. Still think Grumpy should have won.
Thanks for the link to RA interview. He never disappoints. You know how sometimes you fear reading about an entertainer, writer, etc. that you admire greatly because you don't want them to be a jerk in real life? RA passes the test, don't you think? Always thoughtful, intelligent with a touch of humor. Oddly enough, I was just going to tackle a post today on North and South--it's been brewing for quite some time. And I love this Vulpres Libres link--thanks.
Aw! Shame, but you have lost out to a very Showy-offy shed that gives me a case of shed envy. Still, The Beeny Baby liked your shed, which is excellent - and Chris Evan's comments were nice too. How lovely, though, that your shed drew so much praise and attention, well done!
Well done on getting so far, Debs - I still think your shed is the best :-))
I thought you had it in the bag!! Still, congratulations on making it to the finals...they did say some lovely things about Grumpy's Palace...bet you win next year!! (I love your shed)
C x
Debs thanks for taking part we all loved Grumpy and his Palace
I still think Grumpys shed shopuld have won! Your shed has soul!
Better luck next year, I'm glad it was fun.
Lori x
Sorry you didn't win out right. But well done for getting so far. I love your shed, wish mine was as smart!
Nooo, I wanted you to win so we could all hear you interviewed on the radio! Fantastic that you got to the finals though.
Well done for getting so far Debs. And such great words from Ms Beeny and Mr Evans!
And the RA interview lived up to my expectations:-)
You got a comment from Chris Evans. Woo hoo!
Uh - was the winner a shed? - looks more like a second home. Not like the shed in my garden at all.
A bit exciting getting comments from Chris. But I have to disagree - I like the name.
Kat :-)
faye - thank you. I think the winning shed was so clever.
RA never disappoints, and I'm sure he's one of the few people on tv that you could say that about.
chris - it was fun to see their lovely comments about the shed.
amanda - aww that's kind of you to say so.
carol - It was fun getting this far, and I'm sure that wouldn't have happened without such good bloggin friends.
uncle wilco - thanks very much. We both thoroughly enjoyed taking part.
lori - thanks so much. I love the shed, but then I'm particularly biased about it.
claire p - if you'd have seen the photo of me that would have been shown if I had won, you'd see why I was happy just to be a finalise :)
denise - I would have loved to have spoken on the radio. I've never been one to shut up.
lane - thanks very much. It was very kind of them to say what they did.
I loved the interview, it was very indepth and he'd obviously thought about what he wanted to say. Great stuff.
helen - I know. I was thrilled.
kat - It made me wonder if I shouldn't have more in my shed too, but then again, with all the books/paperwork, nothing else would fit.
Thanks for saying you like the name. I do too.
Grumpy's Palace was tops with me... :)))
That's so cool! I just went to read the judges' report and yours was one of the few sheds they mentioned other than the winner. I reckon you must have come a few close second :)
p.s. Damn! Just remembered that my friend's flatmate knows Sarah Beeny - I could have got him to put in a good word for Grumpy's shed (aka try and swing the judging). Doh!
anna - thanks, me too.
calistro - I was thrilled that they mentioned Grumpy's Palace, as they must have liked it.
I think Sarah Beeny is great, and love all her programs, mind you I can see why they chose the Kite Shed, it was wonderful.
Aw, I wanted Grumpy's Palace to win too. You did wonderfully well to get so far, and to get such glowing comments. Well done!
well done Debs - yes go and change the name next year!
You did very well, Debs. Well done & congrats!
Good job with the shed, Debs. Sorry you didn't win, but I see what you mean-- the winner's looks more like a house!
shirley - thanks very much.
flowerpot - I wonder if that would work :0) I think next year, I'll just watch from the sidelines.
gaelikaa - thank you.
kaye manro - I loved the winning shed, but if I had a bed in mine, I'd never leave it.
You'd win my vote every time, Debs. I found you on the Curzon Group blog and was really thrilled to find a blog friend there. Thank you so much for all your support. Don't forget to check my post on the Curzon Group blog on Thursday - I posted on Wednesday night so the date of my last post was wrong. Woops. Next week I'll post on the right date - 16th July. Hope you pop over and take a look.
Awww, shame you didn't win - don't even think about changing the name, though! Grumps would never forgive you :-)
leigh - I'll definately pop over to say hello.
tam - I shan't change the name, it is Grumpy's palace, well, shed, after all.
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