A - History, B - ICT & C - RE. Huge sighs of relief (mainly from him) when he opened his confirmation letter for his place at his first choice university, and to his cousin Amanda who also did well.
So tonight, I'll be having a glass (or three) of this, with R, whilst J is out celebrating/commiserating with his friends, one of whom will be going to the same place as he is, which is fun.
I feel quite exhausted after all this and haven't got as far as doing any editing today, although I have been checking flights for him (and me) to go over in September to settle him. It's going to be a lot quieter around here without him.
Well done J :) TFx
Great news! You'll miss him - but in a good cause. Not surprised you haven't done any editing, even good news can be stressful. Enjoy the bubbly!
Huge, huge congratulations to James and Amanda. I know that feeling, Debs (and I'm glad it's over!!) - such a fraught time, but now you can celebrate. Cheers!
Fantastic news!! And relief that he's accepted for where he wanted to go. :)))
Definitely enjoy some bubbly! As for NANO... I cannot recommend it highly enough! Great camaraderie besides the writing, hee hee...
Congratulations to James and you all - you must be so proud of him!
What everyone else said. Massive congrats to James and to you for all the help and support you've provided :-)
Congratulations to them both and to you too! x
Brilliant! Many congratulations!
Congratulations! Can't believe they still send out results on my birthday ... have a few years til our littlies get to this stage but remember many a party commiserating/celebrating :)
How wonderful for him! Will he be going to a university in England, then?
Well done James - brilliant results. One of my best friend's eldest boy got his results too today and he got his place at his first choice Uni - such a huge relief.
Enjoy and celebrate!!
TF - thanks.
queenie - thanks, I keep stopping and starting, but now I've done various forms I'm going to get on with some editing today.
chris - thanks. It's a relief to be able to celebrate and now get organized with it all.
anna - it's such a relief for him.
I think I may do Nano this year. Should help me with next novel, I think.
lori x - thanks, I am.
tam - thanks, it is a busy time all round.
l-plate - thank you.
jan - thanks.
kate - thanks. Such an important day to have a birthday.
melissa - thank you. Yes, we don't have any unis over here in Jersey, so he has to travel to the mainland.
michelle - thanks. Congratulations to your friends son too. I'm so pleased for them. It's an exciting time.
Congratulations to J - and his proud family!
Such great news. N2S is on hols in Spain at the mom so we are still waiting to find out his results! TORTURE! Which Uni is J going to?
pat - many thanks.
dj - no! Poor you having to wait. J is off to Reading (it's okay for me to say this here as we have different surnames).
Just brilliant news!!! You must be really proud of him :-)
C x
Ps. We're not very far from Reading so if you ever need anything for him just give us a shout :-)
carol - many thanks. You made me feel so much better when he was in Thailand too, by saying you were there if we ever needed you. Much appreciated. x
Many congrats, great news.
susie - thank you. It's such a relief for him, although it's going to be strange not seeing him for so many weeks at a time.
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