J took and passed his driving test, so that was another cause for celebration and then R, self, my two and his fab youngest son went to La Pulente Pub to sit overlooking the bay (St Ouen's of course) and enjoyed a tasty lunch. Then it was back home, where I continued reading, Rumour Has It, by Jill Mansell for several hours (loving it), whilst lying in the sun, and the two boys went off for a two hour drive.
Thankfully, today it's sunny and warm once more, so I intend to make the most of it and get back out there. Have a great weekend.
happy anniversary!!! so many congrats to you and R... :)))
and great news about J passing that driving test. I have yet to know that feeling with one of mine... what's it like? :)))
enjoy that weather!
Happy anniversary. Sound like you've had a lovely day. Love the picture.
Happy Anniversary my dear.
anna - thanks.
I thought it was bad having to go out with him all the time when he was learning, but now it's terrifying knowing he's out there without me bossing him around :(
Today was fab, thanks.
annieye - it was a lovely anniversary, thanks.
helen - thank you.
Hope you had a wonderful 5th anniversary, Debs! And what lovely sheds you have here.
Yes, it is absolutely lovely. I can understand why you're so happy with your driftwood sheds.
Many congratulations on your wedding anniversary and well done to J. Nerve wracking memories . . . no, I won't go there! Not even in my memory!
I hope your mum enjoys Cut Short. If it's possible, I'd love to have picture of my book in South Africa to post on my blog. No worries, if it's not easy to send - you havce my email, don't you?
Blog soon and congratulations again on your first 5 years - the first of many many happy years together.
Happy anniversary and congrats on J's driving test. Lucky you, living by the sea. P x
Your present is gorgeous! I love driftwood too, there was always loads on the beaches where I grew up.
What a gorgeous present! I don't see why you shouldn't paint your shed like a beach hut!
I'd like that orange-and-yellow one in the middle, please.
Oh - and mixed congrats and sympathy on passing-the-test. The first time sone drove to 6th Form by himself I said "TEXT WHEN YOU GET THERE" and waited... and waited...
"Sorry," he said some five hours later. "I forgot."
What a lovely anniversary present, Debs. I love beach huts, too.
Congrats to J on passing his test
kaye - thanks very much, I was thrilled with them.
leigh - thanks.
No problems, re the pic of your book in South Africa. Ma is still in Canada at the mo, so I shall ask her to send me one asap and forward it on to you.
phillipa - thanks.
I love living where I do, and would hate to have to move.
dj - I have such vivid pictures of where you grew up thanks to your brilliant descriptions in your book.
jan - this made me laugh, as J is off to get his Alevel results on thursday and I was going to ask him to do the same!
pat - thanks, they are lovely, aren't they?
J has been driving all over the place ever since passing.
Have you ever read Time Traveler's Wife? We saw the movie yesterday and it was okay. I think it's one of those that needs to have read the book first... :)))
anna - have ordered the book. It should arrive sometime this week.
Belated congratulations, Debs. I do like your present, I'm reather partial to beach huts so that presses my buttons. Ooh, I see you're reading Isabel Wolff's latest - I love Isabel Wolff and that was one of her best. I was quite sorry to finish it.
Congrats on your anniversary! It sounds like the perfect day. :-)
Happy Anniversary to you and R :-) I've got Rumour Has It on my TBR pile...
Happy Anniversay, Debs & R! Love the driftwood sheds!
So lovely to hear all that great news! Am envious of your weather, though - it's grey and raining here :-(
chris - I love them too.
I've started the book now, and am thoroughly enjoying it.
melissa - it was a wonderful day, even the sun decided to come out.
tam - you'll love it.
liane - thank you. The sheds are now hanging in my shed.
queenie - it's grey and a bit grim here today.
Ah congratulations and what good taste your hubby has....in every sense of course!
Happy Anniversary hon!!
I adore your present...absolutely beautiful!!
C x
kerry - I have to agree with you :)
carol - thanks m'dear.x
Sounds like a brilliant day.
Congratulations on your anniversay and well done to J on the driving test.
suzanne - It was a fab day, many thanks.
Happy Anniversary!
chad - thanks very much.
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