This morning I've been editing HH&S as now that I've spent some time away from my m/s, I can now see what the NWS Reader meant in her report, and thanks to my course with Marina Oliver at Caerleon, and my aunt (head mistress and avid reader) I think I've finally figured out where I was going wrong. Well, at least I think I have.
I finally stepped away from the keyboard and went with the rest of my crew to walk the dog along St Ouen's beach before stopping at Big Verns for a tasty lunch of tuna & pasta bake, yum. This also comes with a salad - ignored by me (tut tut) - and a baguette cut into smaller pieces with melted garlic butter spread on each piece - devoured by R and boys.
Have just discovered this fab new blog by the talented Kate Harrison, Read Like A Writer, which I've added to my blog list. Very helpful for a wannabe like me.
Now, it's back to the editing, as I have two weeks to do my best with this before prizing it away from my paws and sending it out into the big wide world. (No doubt to be sent hastily back to me with a big fat rejection letter strapped to it, but you have to give it your best shot).
There is no reason why it should ger rejected, cripes if I can do it you certainly can!!!
clair - thanks for saying so. I can only give it my best shot, then never give up :)
I'm glad you're having such a nice break from work,Debs. And what a fortunate time for a holiday just when you're back from your writer's retreat filled with all those good ideas for writing bigger and better!
Sweetpeas are so lovely and fragrant. I've tried growing them in my Zone 6, but now our springs get too hot lately. BTW, congratulations on your five year anniversary and here's hoping you have many more.
I'm so glad you figured out what was wrong with the manuscript. That can be so tormenting to deal with.
Enjoy your sweet peas!
faye - the timing is perfect, and it's good to have decent weather too.
Many thanks for your wishes.
melissa - it can be rather frustrating.
I loooove sweet peas, especially the pink/blue/purple colours. Yep, best shots are where it's at. Good luck!
Lovely flowers. All the best for your editing and I'll be keeping everything crossed for when you send it out
I love sweetpeas! Good luck with your editing - fingers and toes crossed for you!
Oh I adore sweet peas. They look wonderful.
Many thanks to the link to the Kate Harrison site - great resource.
Many congrats for coming back to the work and editing. And best of luck.
queenie - I love them too, and they smell gorgeous.
annieye - thanks. I have so many ideas now since Caerleon that I have to edit at least once more before sending this out.
amanda - thank you, I'm longing to finish with this book and send it out, then I can get on with the next one I'm desperate to work on.
nina - thanks.
Glad to hear that all is going well with the writing and what a love your daughter is!! I adore Sweet peas too :-)
I'm sure you will get there with the novel and just remember...if you do get a rejection it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with what you've written it just means that the story is not right for that particular publisher :-)
C x
Happy editing, Debs, and I'm sending you some positive thoughts!
Love the Sweet Peas.
carol - she is a fabulous girl, I'm very lucky to have her.
Thanks for the kind words, I shall bare them in mind.
pat - thank you, I need them.
Pretty, aren't they?
What stunning sweet peas Debs - mine failed too this year (I think because of the April snow).
I love those flowers! Daughters are a treasure... :)))
A walk on the beach and lunch with family sounds like a perfect way to unwind!
I will be thinking successful thoughts with that editing and submitting... You never know!! :)))
When you get around to reading Forgotten Voices, let me know what you thought. I know I've had those books since 2005, but only now am picking them up. So hard to read those stories; I wonder how much of my current mood is due to the deaths of Henry Allingham and Harry Patch; a generation almost gone, but one that should never be forgotten...
liz - thanks. I had forgotten about the bad weather. Lost many lavender bushes too, unfortunately.
anna - thanks for the thoughts.
I shall let you know what I thought. I was so sad to watch part of Harry Patch's funeral, although he was so old, but it reminded me of all those young men who didn't have much of a life at all after the Great War.
I left a comment but it's gone! All I wanted to say was good luck with the script and thanks for the blog link!
I love sweet peas. The colours are fabulous. I visited my daughter today, and we sat in her garden and admired all her amazing flowers and strawberries and tomatoes. It was lovely and made a wonderful break from my crazy book promotion tour.
As for your submission, Debs - be brave, be very brave! I wish you well with it and will keep my fingers crossed. I'm getting very skilled at typing with my fingers crossed.
I love sweetpeas too. They remind me of my grandad who grew them in his garden.
Good luck with your editing and submission - I'm off to check out that blog now :o)
chris - thanks. I liked this blog and am looking forward to the next post.
leigh - glad to hear you've had some time away from all that touring, sounds so exhausting.
Thanks for the encouragement. I shall hopefully be sending the m/s out by the end of next week and can then forget about it for a while and move on to my next book. Can't wait.
karen - thanks. Do have a look, it's a great blog.
Hi Debs, you're probably not a group mime kind of girl, but just in case. . .I'm hosting the August 24 Fun Monday and the blogging topic is "Back to School"--sharing what you're currently learning as an adult--how to write better fiction, belly dancing, computer skills? You get the idea. If you'd like to participate, just pop over to my site and sign up. No tests or grades for the effort!
faye - have left a comment on your blog re the back to school day. Thanks.
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