Thursday 15 October 2009

Heaven Can Wait by Cally Taylor

The lovely Cally Taylor's - I know, I've met her - debut novel, Heaven Can Wait is published today by Orion, and having read an extract I can tell you it's going to be a fab book.

My copy is winging it's merry way to me as we speak - we alway have to wait a little longer living in sunny Jersey - and I can't wait to start reading. I'm hoping it arrives in time for the weekend.

To celebrate the publication you can enter up to three competitions, each with great prizes - please visit Cally's website here to find out more.

I'm off to quaff a couple of glasses and drink a toast to Cally.


Melissa Amateis said...

Nothing better than the promise of a good book to read! I need to go to the library today and get a few more as my last round of books weren't up to snuff.

Karen said...

My copy should be here tomorrow too :o) I've read the first chapter and can't wait to read the rest!

HelenMWalters said...

I've read it - and it's absolutely brilliant!

Chris Stovell said...

Brilliant news - another Novel Racer star.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

melissa - I can't wait to read this book. I've read the beginning and it promises to be fab.

karen - just read your comment and it's pretty much the same as my reply to melissa :) - so I'll say "me too".

helen - ohh lucky, lucky you. Can't wait.

chrish - yay. I'd better get on with editing mine otherwise I'll never stand a chance to getting anywhere at all!

Queenie said...

Mine's on its way too, I didn't get around to ordering it till Tues, Heaven may be able to wait but I'm not sure I can!

Flowerpot said...

lovely getting your teeth into a good book isn't it?!

Carol said...

I'm going to be buying a copy of it!! Have heard great things :-)

C x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

queenie - I pre-ordered mine ages ago, but you'll still probably get it days before I get mine. Such a pain living on an island sometimes.

flowerpot - it certainly is.

carol - I'm sure you'll love it.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

My copy's on order. Can't wait.


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

suzanne - I only opened it to have a quick peek this morning and am on page 160. Haven't done any editing though, so really should put it down for an hour or so at least.

Annieye said...

Here, here, Debs - and raising a glass to Cally. My, you've been busy haven't you, while I've squirreled myself away with the Cuckoo. I think I might sign up to NaNoWriMo too.

Amanda said...

My copy come yesterday, can't wait to read it! :-)

Jan said...

Sounds gread Debs...and enjoy your quaffing!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

annieye - it would be great to have you doing NaNo too. DJ has also signed up. I want to do it to get a story out of my head that only recently popped in there, before I concentrate on something I've wanted to write for a while.

amanda - it's fabulous, you'll love it. I'm finding it hard not to read it now, but know that if I don't finish - or at least do more editing today, I'll not be ready to get on with NaNo.

jan - thanks, I did enjoy my quaffing. Sadly now the bubbles have run out, so I'll have to wait for another time to celebrate before having more.