Congratulations. I know you'll love the book.
Thanks to S for taking the time out to stir the names - endlessly - when I interrupted her Maths revision for her GCSE tomorrow, and pull a name out of the hat. Thanks also to everyone who left a comment.
Well done TF, it's a good read :o)
Damn, you had a competition and I missed it!! (Note to self: must try and catch up with blogs more often!!)
Congrats to the winner
C x
gaelikaa - commiserations to you this time, but will have a special book competition for a giveaway in January, so do enter that one.
karen - it's a great read.
carol - never mind. Pls see comment to gaelikaa about January. It's worth waiting for.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. yes, Thanksgiving is great fun. I always go up to Maine -- we have 50+ people for dinner, renting the VFW hall with its huge kitchen. Everyone sets up, everyone cleans up. The rule is that all disputes are left outside, and, for over 30 years, that's the way it worked!
It's one of my favorite days of the year.
Congrats to TF!
Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful, Debs. Have a great day of it!
Sorry, I meant Devon on the Thanksgiving!
Debs, I'm (dead) chuffed to have my name pulled out of the hat. Thank you ever soooo much :-)))
Hope the maths exam went OK for S.
Nice to call in and shall be back bientot!
If I were you I'd edit your posting to read .....[at]...... for your e-mail address. Spammers have software that scan the web for e-mail addresses and you could start getting loads of spam. Alternatively edit out the address once TF has e-mailed you.
Congratulations TF, heard from Kat that it is is a really great read and the competition on her website is exciting too.
Congrats TF, it's a fab read x
Thank you for all the comments.
Troy - I've now deleted my email address as tf has contacted me, but will remember that for next time. Many thanks.
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