Recently I found out that I'd won six months supply of a new blend of tea, Builders tea and today I received my prize.
Rob phoned me at work and said, "What on earth have you been doing now?"
"Why?" I said wondering what he was going on about.
"A van has just delivered three boxes taped together."
"Oh that will be my tea," I told him. He didn't ask any further questions.
I love a good cup of tea and have already drunk two cups. It's lovely. It's strong, if you let it stew for any time at all, but I suppose that's what builders tea is all about? In fact their site says it only takes 20 seconds to reach perfection and I have to agree with that. You can buy it at various stores in the UK and for those of us who don't live there, it can be ordered online.

well done on that tea, Debs! And thanks for the recommendation - will add that to the TBR pile.
Builders Tea I like the sound of this. Does the builder come free with it? Nope! Thought not. I've just been quoted £1000 (plus VAT) to remove leaking chimney from roof! ;-) TFx
I do hope that it doesn't lead to Builder's Bum if you drink it. Or maybe that'll be all the biscuits to go with it... Not that Writer's Bum is any more attractive, in my own personal experience!
I've heard great things about Sue's book. Must get it on next trip home!
ha ha!! how I did laugh at your little scene when Rob tells you about the boxes taped together... my husband never asks further questions either ;-)
Enjoy your evening :-)
Oh, I like the sound of the Builders Tea - far preferable to the 7 minutes I have to wait for my Extra-Strong Tetleys to reach full velocity.
In the absence of said Builders Tea, I am now indulging in a snazzy Shiraz. Well, it would be rude not to, wouldn't it?
I did that last night - turned the world off and re-read a book from start to finish before going to sleep. Such luxury. Enjoy!
That postman of yours never knows what he's going to bring next, does he? Very pleased to hear you are enjoying something from the Choc Lit selection to go with it :)!
It sounds absolutely perfect.
Well my son is a builder and my husband a lover of strong tea so I shall have to try some. I can recommend Yorkshire Gold though if you want a really great tea.
Congratulations. Great to win a prize - especailly when it's something as lovely as tea.
I've heard good things from lots of people about Starting Over and it's on my wishlist, but need to bring the tbr pile down a bit first - it's in danger of toppling over.
I trust you will go out at the weekend and buy a pint mug (or two).
Sounds completely wonderful, Debs. As you described what you were about this evening, I could just see and feel it! And Starting Over sounds like a great read as well. The tea? Fab for sure!
Hope you get a chance to read until you're bleary eyed this weekend Debs--and awash with builder's tea. The covers of the novels you feature on your blog look so delicious!
flowerpot - you'll love the book, it's really good.
tf - the tea is probably the only thing I could afford when it comes to builders.
kate h - I'm probably almost there when it comes to the builder's bum! Do get Starting Over it's wonderful.
alice - poor Rob, he's forever collecting parcels for me, although they usually contain books.
spiral skies - it's good tea, but like you, I do enjoy a glass of Shiraz.
queenie - it's bliss. I should try and do it more often.
chrish - it's a great book and I'm looking forward to reading your very own Choc Lit as soon as it comes out.
melissa - thanks, it was.
cait - do try it, it's good. I don't think we can get Yorkshire Gold over here, so I'll have to try it when I'm next in England.
suzanne - I know what you mean. My own tbr pile had to be rearranged by my daughter as it kept collapsing.
troy - lol. My mother has emailed me to say, "Only you would post a picture of builders tea in a Spode cup." I do tend to miss the point a lot, but then again, apart from my 'writing mugs' that is what I drink my tea out of :)
kaye - it was lovely and relaxing and just what I needed.
faye - thanks. There are some beautiful book covers out there.
Hi Debs,
Thanks for the recommendation! :-)
Starting Over has a special place in my heart. And so does Ratty - I've been in love with him for some time.
I can't 'do' normal tea owing to headaches and have recently fallen in love wit Rooiboos (Redbush) tea, which is naturally caffeine free. Wonderful.
sue - I think I'm in love with Ratty too. What a perfect hero. Love him.
They drink a lot of Rooiboos tea in South Africa, or so I gather.
Ooh, I find myself being a bit suspicious of tea that only needs 20 seconds to brew...
Still, it's not my tea, is it? So enjoy!
Congratulations on winning the tea - I once won six months worth of first aid equipment, plasters, bandages - there were loads which made me question whether the average person accidentally falls or cuts themselves on a daily basis! I would definitely have preferred the tea. Enjoy Sue's book, I have it in my tbr pile which has now reached the same height level as my bedside cabinet - handy that! ;-)
I think 'rooiboos' means 'redbush' in Afrikaans. Not absolutely certain.
I have to confess that I've been unfaithful to Ratty with Justin, the hero of my next book, All That Mullarkey. I've just sent it in to Choc Lit so have been spending quite a lot of time with him, recently! But I've brought Ratty into the book, too, in a small way, because ATM is set in the same village as SO.
jj - lol, I hadn't thought of that.
serendipity - your tbr pile sounds like mine. My daughter hates having to pass it as it teeters against the wall on the way to her room.
sue - I think it does mean redbush.
Ooh I can't wait to read All That Mullarkey and it'll be lovely to see Ratty again, even if in a small way. Looking forward to meeting Justin.
What a prize, both of those items... And I LOVE that teacup!!
Nope, I like tea that's just been shown the teabag (Just ask JJ who has stared in horrified fascination at my tea) so there is no way I could cope with builders tea!!
I hope you like it though...that's a lot of tea to get through
*goes off singing 'tea for two and two for tea'*
C x
anna - I'm enjoying both very much.
Glad you like the cup, it's one of my favourites.
carol - LOL, I somehow doubt this would be your...cup of tea then.
I have quite a few family members to help me out with the tea. x
Not another book to add to my list - I wish you'd stop recommending them :o)
I love a strong cuppa, but have switched to decaff as I get heartburn otherwise!
My tbr list keeps getting longer - thanks for the recommendation - and congrats on your win, Debs! x
Oooooh I want some of that tea, it sounds fab.
karen - I know, I'm sorry, but I can't help spreading the word when I find a great book.
I don't think I've tried decaff tea.
amanda - I know, mine too.
dj - My daughter likes it too, which is a surprise as she usually drinks Earl Grey.
Well done on winning the tea
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