Thank you to Lily, DJ Kirkby & Suzanne for nominating me for this Beautiful Blogger Award. It's just what I needed when I was feeling sorry for myself after J returned to uni the other day. Instead of nominating 10 people, please consider yourself duly nominated if you're listed in my Blog List.
I have to admit that S isn't missing her brother at all - callous little minx - and has even been waiting for him to go, hoping he wouldn't remember to eat his last remaining Easter egg. On Tuesday evening she asked if she could eat it and knowing that chocolate always helps lift the spirits - or is that just me - I said she could share it with me.
This weekend I've got a lot of editing, reading and studying to do, and can assure you that they will be in that order too. In fact, I doubt the studying will have too much attention given to it, for now at least.
I'm also waiting to see if I still need to fly to London on Monday for a meeting with one of my clients. If I do, I'll need to be up at the crack of ghastly hour to check in at the airport. I normally wake at 6am, not have to be suited and booted and arriving at the airport for that time. However a good friend is also in London on the same day and has invited me to meet her for lunch, so I'll have to hope the meeting doesn't go on too long, so that we can catch up with each other.
PS Have just learnt that client is stuck overseas due to travel chaos & meeting has been postponed. So, lunch is off for now, but at least I don't have to get up so early.
Congrats on the Beautiful Blogger Award, always fun to be commended like that. The lunch in London with a friend sounds like a nice plan, too ... Enjoy!
At least now you CAN fly into London. Thank heavens for that.
It will take the sting out of it if you can meet your friend for lunch. You sound very busy, debs.
PS I loved 'Animal Instincts' - great review.
Congratulations on the award. I hope your lunch comes off with your friend.
Congrats on your award Debs, glad it cheered you after J returned. X
Congratulations on the award. I hope your busy weekend and Monday go well.
joanne - thank you. I do hope I can make lunch, but it'll depend on how long the meeting takes.
karenG - true, and home again that evening.
chris - it would be fun, although I don't know if there'll be enough time, but I do hope so.
Thanks for saying you liked the review, it's nerve-wracking featuring someone else's work, but it's easy with Nell Dixon as her books are so enjoyable.
jj - thanks, me too. I hope you are all save and keeping away from all the chaos.
amanda - it did, thank you.
queenie - many thanks.
Congrats on the blogging award and hugs about J's return to uni. Know just what it's like. Have agreat weekend. P x
You are a busy bee! But congratulations on the award - do you still get to meet your friend for lunch? I take it not! Take care.
Well, it's sad that your not going to be able to meet your friend for lunch but at least you don't have to be up at the crack of dawn!!
C x
Glad it cheered you up. Good luck with the editing. If you start to wane just think of me covered in red pen.
Congrats on your award! and so glad you don't have the early morning. Although I'm sure lunch in London with a friend would have made up for it ;-) x
So there was an upside to the volcanic ash?!
Congrats on the award :o)
Have a grand weekend in the old shed. Eat chocolate :) TFx
Hope the weekend went well and you got lots of editing, reading and studying done.
Leftover easter eggs? No chance of that around here!
Hope you enjoy the sunny weekend.
Glad you were able to sleep in... :)))
When eldest comes home, youngest is happy for a bit, then the old ways emerge. Hopefully that won't be a problem when they live in the same flat in a few months' time! :)))
That's a relief about not having to get the early flight! Hope you enjoyed the chocolate.
phillipa - thanks. It is sad to see them leaving, but at least I know he's loving it at uni.
flowerpot - I won't be meeting her for lunch on Monday, but she was only visiting London as she had an appointment there, so I'll be able to catch up with her over here soon enough.
carol - I was thrilled, as 5am is not my sort of wake up time.
LilyS - I should think we're both pretty covered in red ink by now ;)
alice - lunch would have been fun, but I can meet up with her over here too, so it isn't so bad.
karen - lol, there most certainly was.
tf - ah, you know me so well. Have chocolate and am enjoying my shed.
suzanne - so far only loads of editing, a little reading and bugger all studying. I know my priorities :)
denise - S and I had eaten all our E eggs a couple of weeks ago, it was only my son who had one left. So strange!
anna - I can't imagine my two ever living together if they didn't have to, but maybe when they grow up a little. I can only hope.
helen - it is. The chocolate was gorgeous, thanks. It was an Aero Easter egg.
Lovely award and well deserved. I'm sure J is having a wonderful time and S sounds horribly normal. My other comments on your post in brief:
chocolate good
getting up early bad
Hope you're having a good week. You certainly sound busy as ever. I don't know how you fit it all in.
leigh - thank you & yes, J is having a brilliant time, as is his naughty sister who is enjoying not having him here.
cc devine - thank you.
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