Thank you to Talli Roland for nominating me for this Honest Scrap Award. Talli's first novel, The Hating Game is out next year and can be pre-ordered here.
The rules are that I have to list 10 facts that aren't common knowledge and pass them on to other bloggers. Excuse me if you've heard #1 & 10 before!
1. I started a new job today after spending the last nine years with my previous employers. I was a little nervous going there, but loved it. Such a relief.
2. I can ride sidesaddle - a completely useless talent in this day and age.
3. My children can trace their ancestry back to the doomsday book. I can just about trace mine back 150 years or so!
4. My aunt is a nun and I was 'asked to leave' the convent where I went to school when I was twelve. Not a good catholic start for me. They said I was 'charming' but if I didn't want to do something, nothing could make me do it. Nothing's changed there then.
5. My favourite food (apart from chocolate of course) is pasta. I adore it.
6. I've written 3 chick lit novels, 1 book about the WW2 era, 1 YA novel and have just started working on a book based in the early 20thC. I've only just started submitting. Well, I've submitted one of them.
7. I met Tony Curtis when I was 10.
8. I can see the coast of Normandy from my bedroom window and even the lights there at night.
9. I endured a Force 10 storm in boat. It wasn't that bad really.
10. I'm Editor for Little Black Dress Thursdays at Novelicious and sometimes review other chick lit novels there too, and also contribute reviews for Bookersatz.
I'd like to nominate the following five brilliant bloggers:
Fanciful Alice
DJ Kirkby
Glad you had a good first day. Side saddle. WOW! I'm impressed :) TFx
So sorry i have not been here for a few weeks... what with the road trip and then the weather being far too glorious to get straight back in to computer land and then the internet connection on the boat playing up *yawn* so much that I can't easily get onto blogs - I just know you understand ;-)
But I'm so glad to hear that grumps is OK! and also pleased to hear your first day went well :-) and of course, am blushing and filled with happiness that you should choose little ole' me for such a splendid award!!!! I will endeavor to take part soooon and it was lovely to find out more about you. I particularly like number 4. I think my being 'asked to leave' Girl Guides might feature in my list ;-)
Glad all is well! xxx
Wow, that was the fastest award turnaround I've ever seen, Debs! You're super-efficient! :)
I love that you can ride side-saddle. How cool is that? And I'm glad your first day went well.
(Thanks so much for linking to Amazon!) :)
Gosh, I feel really inefficient now.
Glad you're enjoying your new job and I hope you keep enjoying it for at least another 9 years!
I envy you your view of Normandy.
Seriously impressive answers Debs, particularly No 6 of course!
Glad your first day went well and thanks for the award:-)
Fancy having a view of Normandy. Wow. The best for all your future submissions. You've been hard at work in that little shed. Go Debs...)
Thank you very much for passing this on to me. I love doing memes! Those were 10 very interesting facts. I'm impressed you've written that many books. Good luck with your submission.
Awww thank you Debs - thats made my day :) Loved your 10 facts, I hope mine are as interesting. Glad you loved your first day. Here's to many more enjoyable days there.
Hi Shed lady,
You will have to take a photo of the Normandy coast. I have no idea what it looks like, but it sounds glorious.
It's great startin a new job, but as you said, also nerving. Looks like you have support already. :)
Suzanne :)
Ooh, I love these. Especially numbers 2, 4 , 9. And Tony Curtis! Fantastic. I'm so glad your new job has started off well (btw - as per number 4 -- I assume everyone started singing "How Do We Solve a Problem Like Maria" from The Sound of Music whenever you walked in the room..:-) )
Hahahaha no. 4 hahahaha I was brought up Catholic too hahahaha that's hilarious!!
So glad the new job first day is going well. P x
PS Did you throw up in the storm?
Congratulations and what a great idea for an award! Great to know more about you. So how about a photo of you in side saddle mode?
I'm green with envy at your view of Normandy. I miss the sea. :(
And now you've got me thinking. I used to be able to ride side saddle too but, well, it's been quite a few years since my faithful mount turned his hooves. :)
Okay, how did you meet Tony Curtis? :)))
Congrats on the new employment digs!
Thanks for all the comments. I'm still giggling at Sue's and the Maria comment.
I'll try and dig out a photo of me side-saddle, but it was many moons ago, so is probably in sepia.
Congratulations on the award - some great answers.
So glad the new job went well. And I'm particularly jealous you met Tony Curtis - Some Like It Hot is one of my favourie films.
Suzanne - thanks.
The job is great and Tony Curtis was so handsome.
I shall be on the coast of Normandy in six weeks time. I'll wave to you, or flash my car headlights at night.
Isn't it awful how convent schools try to break your spirit? Well, some of them anyway! They are supposed to educate women so they can proudly take their place alongside the men of this world - and they end up breaking your self-esteem and giving you more hang-ups than a wardrobe! What a twisted world we live in!
Great answers, Debs! xxx
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