Monday 12 July 2010

Books, Books, & A Brilliant RNA Conference

Above are some of the books - three bought and three from my goodie bag - that I managed to cram into my small weekend case. As well as the obligatory highheels and clothes for my weekend, I also somehow forced in a notepad full of notes that I took whilst at the various talks I attended and I'll blog about these in the next day or so.

Poor Rob just smiled when he saw these books and said, "There's a couple of packages for you in the kitchen too." These were books from Little Black Dress and one written by a wonderful writer friend, but I'll be blogging about that one in early August.

So, my feet might be a little sore, my legs/lungs are still in shock at having to run (literally) to reach the gate in time to be let onto my flight home (not easy in 4 inch heels), and I may have copious amounts of washing to catch up on, but I'm perfectly happy. How can I not be, after such a fantastic weekend and all these books to come home to.

I'll be blogging about my weekend at the RNA Conference in a couple of days, but have to say now that I'm in awe of Jan Jones and her incredible talent for organization. That woman is always so cool and calm and arranges everything so incredibly well. To say I'm impressed, is an understatement.


Jen said...

I'm loving all the blog posts and tweets filtering through from the RNA knees-up. Not giggling at the thought of you running in such high heels though, oh no... :)

Talli Roland said...

It was AMAZING, wasn't it? Jan did a great job! Can you imagine all the work that went into that? Yikes...

So lovely to meet you!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

SpiralSkies - you'd have laughed far more if you'd seen me trying to run. Too awful.

talli - I can't think how she manages to arrange so many people so brilliantly. She deserves a medal.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...
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Melissa Amateis said...

I've run through the airport before to catch a flight to London, but I don't think I could have done it in 4-inch heels!

Looking forward to hearing about the conference!

Julie Cohen said...

It was great, wasn't it?

I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up, but I'm glad you had as good a time as I did, and as big a book haul!

LadyFi said...

Sounds like a great time was had!

Unknown said...

Debs one of my highlights was that we sat next to each at the gala and actually had more than two minutes together!!!!


Faye said...

A weekend of wallowing in books with other readers/writers. What a great escape! Look forward to your de-briefings, Debs. Four in heels? Ouey! But nice to have a dressup now and then. Hopefully you didn't need to wear hose as well--now that would be cruel.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

melissa - I must have looked ridiculous.

Will blog about conference in a few days.

julie - yes, it was a shame not to chat, but maybe next time. Glad I'm not the only one with so many books.

ladyfi - it was excellent. Loved every second.

liz - It was fun to catch up and actually have conversations for once.

faye - I had a brilliant time.

Hose is a definite no-no for me. Well, only rarely when I can't get away without.

Casdok said...

I couldnt have run in those heels! Glad you had a wonderful time :)

Queenie said...

So glad it went so well. Looking forward to more details when you're ready.

HelenMWalters said...

Looks like you've got some lovely reading to look forward to.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Sounds like the weekend was terrific - am kicking myself I couldn't make it.


sheepish said...

Ooooh I am so jealous, all those lovely books and me just about to finish my tbr pile. Now I have to wait for visitors to bring my next batch. [I refuse to pay Amazons exhorbitant postage to France.
Sounds like a good time was had by all.

Flowerpot said...

Sounds like a realy great conference Debs - and well done for running in those heels!

Unknown said...

Ha, ha, ha, running in heels. Sorry, shouldn't laugh. :)

Jan is a miracle worker, isn't she? I've no idea how she manages it.

Reading all these fab reports of the conference makes me wish I'd been there all the more. I haven't been for years. Maybe next year...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

casdok - my lungs and being so unfit was far more of a problem than the height of my heels. I really should get fitter. I did have a wonderful time though, thanks.

queenie - thanks. I'll blog about the conference in a day or so.

helen - I do, but I'm not sure where to start. I think I need to stop doing anything at all and sit in a room and read for a few days.

suzanne - hopefully you'll be able to go next year.

sheepish - I hate running out of books to read, so sympathize greatly with you. Hope you have some visitors soon.

flowerpot - it was excellent, thanks.

shirley - I truly don't know how she does it, and she's always so calm and cheerful. Incredible woman.

I loved every moment and do hope you can make it next year, it would be great ot meet you.

Leigh Russell said...

Sounds wonderful, Debs. I am always envious of people who can run in heels when I struggle to walk in them...

Fionnuala said...

It was great to meet you there Debs and though I only made the Saturday (HUNG over...) I loved it. There was so much punched into one day. And yes, Yay! to Jan's organisational skills.

Susie Vereker said...

Wish you had been able to stay longer, Debs.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

leigh - this is thanks to many years running around in heels. Can't run in trainers though!

fionnuala - it was fabulous to be able to catch up with you at last.

susie - me too. I had so much fun, I didn't want to leave.