I recently bought a copy of this beautifully written by Victoria Kingston & Hilary Johnson. I love greyhounds and the woman who clips the Grumpy one looks after rescue greyhounds here in Jersey. It's a book celebrating greyhounds and includes a foreword by the actress Annette Crosbie OBE who is also a Patron of Wimbledon Grehound Welfare Kennels in Hersham where all the profits from this book are being donated. If you want to support this invaluable place and read the collection of inspiring and emotive stories by people who have adopted their own greyhounds and looked after many more, why not buy your own copy here.
I have a quiet household this weekend. Rob is either working or catching up on his sleep; Sas is with her father; James is back at uni; Grumps is acting as my shadow, which means sleeping whilst I'm reading or writing, so therefore he's mostly sleeping. So, it's copious amounts of tea for me as I work on my Wip. I also have a couple of reviews to write up, so will do those too and when I can think of no reason at all to put it off any longer, I'll do some ironing. Groan.
The weather was so glorious earlier this week that I was able to write outside wearing a bikini and sarong, I hasten to add. Now, of course, it's a little more autumnal and with that comes much better tv programmes. I can't wait for Downton Abbey to start on Sunday night, then of course it'll be Spooks again on Monday.
Hope you have a great weekend.
It's such a lovely book, isn't it?
Bikini and sarong, Debs? Lucky, lucky you!
A lovely weekend to you too! Nice to hear about that sunshine, but the ironing... You're a better person than me! :)))
What a gorgeous cover. Look at the devotion on those faces. Does Grumps look at you like that?
I'm having a fab weekend too. Dinner being cooked for me by lovely friends tonight, then out for the day tomorrow to visit my nephew at his new uni, followed by a quiet evening in with my beloved. I couldn't ask for more. (Well, OK, I could ask for a publishing deal. But back in the real world...!)
Oh shame on you tempting me to buy a book. Oh so tempted to buy this one. Maybe I'll just take a quick peek.
We went for a three and a half mile walk today...it was cold but there were blue skies and the sun was shining....was lovely!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and just ignore the ironing!
C x
A bikini??? Outside???? Oh, am jealous. It's so cold up here I've had the heating on for weeks - and I'm thinking of buying a thermal vest.
I love Greyhounds too and would give retired racing greyhounds a home if hubby was keen. The book looks good. :O)
chris - it is. I love greyhounds, but R thinks they're too big for us to have one at home despite my argument to the contrary.
It was about 24 degrees, but much colder now though.
anna - unfortunately the ironing is mainly school uniforms and work clothes so I can't leave it.
jenny - he does and I love it.
queenie - you sound like you're having a great w/e. Glad to hear all is going so well with your nephew.
karen - I know, but with those faces on the cover it's a book you can't resist.
carol - I should get out there and go for a long walk too & may just do that today.
Ironing - I wish!
suzanne - it was only for two days, but it was fabulous to feel the heat for that time. Wish it could have lasted longer though.
madeleine - me too. I'd love to have a greyhound here.
I'm also looking forward to Downton Abbey but I'm trying to work out whether its meant to be funny. I shall find out later. It is now raining here sadly and is very dark outside. Still I like my autum clothes better than my summer ones :)
We visited a Ploughing & Country Show today, full to the brim with dogs including many greyhounds Rather a nice afternoon despite the downpour! Beer tent was very good indeed :)
A definite for me that one!
As we walked our dogs along the seafront last night around 11pm we saw one or two holidaymakers dipping their toes in the sea, I thought of you and you would not have been out of place in your bikini and sarong and of course your little shadow by your side. Hope you had a fabby weekend. x
A bikini and sarong? That just isn't fair! Mind you I did have my legs exposed in Cornwall last week - now it's freezing here.
I'm afraid I fell asleep during Downton - could have been the red wine with dinner - I won't do that during Spooks!
Thanks for the reminder. I've been meaning to order a copy of that book. Aren't their faces gorgeous? I shall go and order it now!
I love greyhounds too. My parents have had two rescue ones and they were both the gentlest creatures.
And yes - Spooks!!
We had glorious weather this weekend, too. Autumn has officially arrived! Hope you got lots of writing done. :-)
Greyhounds-especially the rescues-tug at my heart. Despite size am thinking about them for next dog. Have been told that they're such couch potatoes and just love hanging around with their people.
Looking forward to your "reviews" of Downton Abbey, Debs. Hope it's not too long before we get on this side of the pond. BTW, I've found a great blog about period drama that you may enjoy--lots of coverage of Downton A: Enchanted Serenity Period Flims
Isn't it a treat to be able to write outside with the air on your skin? There again, I spied the first few spiralling autumnal leaves this lunchtime and thoughts have now turned to reading with a log fire and candles...
TV? You've no time for TV. Get on with that WIP!
Lily - I hope you enjoyed Downton Abbey, I loved it. I'm enjoying getting my winter clothes out too.
tf - that sounds like a really fun afternoon. They have greyhounds in town every so often and people give donations whilst the dogs snooze on their bedding.
flowerpot - great.
pauline - what a lovely picture, walking your dogs. I'll bet it was beautifully warm too.
phillipa - it was only for two days and is now very much autumn here.
Did you enjoy what you saw of Downton Abbey though?
shirley - brilliant. It's a fab book and such a great cause.
lane - how lovely of them. I'd love one too.
melissa - 5000 words this weekend I'm relieved to say.
faye - they are so sweet, I'd love one and a couch potato would suit me perfectly.
Many thanks for the link, I'll go and have a look.
spiralskies - Yes ma'am! Getting to it right now.
I agree about writing in the air.
I bought that greyhound book too and only wish I could adopt the whole pack of them! But I already have three dogs who are more than a handful and they wouldn't appreciate any newcomers. Maybe one day ...
christina - wow, three dogs. I have one small one and he's such a busy bod that he seems to be everywhere at once.
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