What is the world coming to? Has the axis in my romantic world tilted somehow? Or could it just be that I didn't see the Tom Builder murder coming? Sigh. It was a traumatic moment. This week I'm going to miss their (fairly equal) dulcet tones on my tv screen.
At least my NaNo attempt seems to be going well and as of last night I'd passed the 23,000 mark. I can't even say it's been difficult because I love my characters so much that telling their story is very enjoyable and the only reason I haven't been writing more is because my eyes are so tired after finishing work.
It's my wonderful daughter's sixteenth birthday tomorrow. It's hard to believe this little blonde curly-haired cherub is now taller and seemingly far cleverer than her mother. And even though I seem to be a source of unending entertainment for her (though I'm not sure why the things say seem to be quite so funny half the time) she is a delight and great fun to be around. I'm very lucky.
So, Happy Birthday to Sas. x
Nooooo! Lucas North is dead? How did that happen? I'm off on a fact finding mission. I'll agree with you though, it was a sad day when Tom Builder was murdered--too soon.
A significant birthday to celebrate is the one consolation today. Hope she has a wonderful day. All the best.
My daughter's been taller and cleverer than me for years now. Sob.
I don't like the idea of Richard Armitage being dead in any format, so I'm going to pretend I didn't read that bit.
Hope your daughter has a lovely birthday :o)
faye - eek, sorry. Have I giving you a horrible spoiler there. I forgot you won't have seen this yet.
Thanks for the good wishes for Sas. x
karen - how come they're so much taller than we are?
I agree with you, it's horrible to think of that lovely man being dead.
Thanks for the good wishes for Sas. x
I was hoping, hoping, hoping for it not to be. Strong stuff, wasn't it - (Lucas that is).
happy Birthday to you girl. That's a big milestone.
I wasn't expecting Tom Builder to die but Lucas North - well, he was never going to end living happily ever after, was he? I was moved by his reaction when Mia died.
My lovely first born had a birthday last week - but she's reached an age when she doesn't want to dwell on her age on her birthday! Enjoy your teenager, the time flies by.
lane - it was. I'm not sure who they're going to replace him with, as the new chap doesn't seem nearly as intriguing to me.
leigh - Nor me, so it was a bit of a shock and I do love Rufus Sewell.
Time goes so quickly. I can still remember her 2nd birthday party as it it was only a year or so ago. Sigh.
Everyone’s taller and cleverer than me. I don’t see it as a problem.
Happy Birthday to your daughter.
Well done on your NaNo progress!
All the best, Boonie
23,000 mark! Well done you, do keep going and a happy birthday to your girl :) TFx
Sweet sixteen, how wonderful. I wish her many happy years.
So thrilled you are enjoying your NaNo journey. It is wonderful when characters make life a good one, and not a struggle. :)Happy Scribbling!
Boonie - having read your blog, I can't imagine there are many people cleverer than you. Thanks for the good wishes.
tf - many thanks.
glynis - thanks for the good wishes. I'm loving taking part in NaNo. Happy scribbling to you too.
Happy birthday to your daughter! My niece just turned 16 a few weeks ago and it's wonderful to watch how my little chicken has grown into a delightful, smart, 'big girl'. Enjoy!
Hope your daughter had a lovely birthday! My daughter has been taller and cleverer than me for what seems like decades. :)
Congrats on the NaNo words. Well done!
liane - it's incredible how quickly they grow and how very grown up they are.
shirley - she had a lovely time thank you, and is definitely clever than her mother!
Happy Birthday to Sas! :)
Glad your NaNo is going well, despite the grief over Spooks. Happy Monday!
Big Happy birthday to Sas!! They grow so darn fast... :)))
And happy writing to you!
talli - thanks for the birthday wishes, I'll forward them on to Sas.
Happy Monday to you too.
Anna - thank you. They grow far too fast for my liking.
Happy writing to you too, you're doing incredibly well.
Congrats on your word count and daughter's birthday - and I agree about th elovely Rufus. He is gorgeous... and nothing but Trouble you can tell!
Happy birthday to Sas too. Aren't daughters a delight? (Mostly)
I am SO missing out.... must catch up on all these deaths, as it were. Happy birthday to your daughter!
flowerpot - lol. I agree, he certainly looks like trouble to me. Fabulous, isn't he?
jenny - Thanks very much. Yes, they are (mostly) delightful.
ladybird - thanks for the birthday wishes for Sas, I'll pass them on.
Ok now I'm in mourning. Lucas dead? We are always miles behind here and I still haven't recovered from the loss of Tom in the very beginning of the show! Pillars of the Earth? Haven't seen it. Is it based on Ken Follett's book? In which case I look forward to that. I cracked 30,000 yesterday so very pleased I joined Nano as a Newbie. Best wishes to you - even if you have ruined my day :-)
I had an evening in on my own and watched the first double bill of Pillars Of Earth but haven't seen it since - have I missed a good drama? It certainly looked promising.
Best wishes to your daughter. Now she is taller than you doesn't that make you the blonde cherub?
I'm still very sad because of Lucas's departure from Spooks. (as I wrote in my latest RA Friday at http://flyhigh-by-learnonline.blogspot.com/2010/11/ra-friday-good-bye-mr-north-addio-lucas.html) But I loved watching series 9, it was awesome. Spooks at its best.
As for Tom Builder, I haven't seen The Pillars yet, but I won't be so surprised or taken aback: I've read the book recently. Great read!
Great blog, btw!
cheryl - lol, sorry to have ruined your day. Yes, Pillars of the Earth is based on the Ken Follett book and is very good.
Congratulations on passing 30k words for your NaNo. I've just done the same and am loving taking part too.
troy - now that's what I like to hear. Thinking out of the box is to good and the thought that I'm the cherub is good, amusing, but good.
maria - thanks for your lovely comment. Pillars of the Earth is well worth watching, I'll miss it when it's over.
I'm off to go to your blog right now.
Belated happy birthday,
Hope you find some new romance :)
Hope your daughter had a fab Birthday!
Congrats on all your hard work & huge word count.
Now on the Tom Builder/Lucas North traumas. Tom Builder although rather lovely and gorgeous cannot be beaten (for me) by Lucas North. I am still mourning the fact Lucas turned out to be evil and died. I'm not sure I'll ever get over that. Ever! (Maybe I get a tad over involved me thinks!)
Kat :-)
casdok - me too. It seems like a very quiet time on the tv romance front at the moment.
kat w - thank you. I can't believe we're not going to have him on our tvs again for a while. I was hoping RA was going to film another series of Strike Back, but I don't suppose he will if he's filming the Hobbit.
Yes I found the death of Tom Builder very thought provoking because it paves the way for what is to come next and how the son develops etc. :O)
madeleine - it does. I'll now have to read the book. I usually prefer to read a book before seeing the screen adaptation, but didn't in this case.
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