As you can see from this pic of my NaNoWriMo blog widget I've passed the 35,000 word mark (yesterday) and with only eleven days to go I still have to keep going each day to make sure I make it to the 50,000 words by 30 November.
I know there are differing opinions about whether or not taking part in NaNo is actually a worthwhile writing exercise and some do say that it's not possible to write so many words well in such a short time, and without further editing I'm sure they're right. However, for me it means that a book I've been researching/writing for the past 18 months without finishing, thanks to spending too much time worrying about historical details, can now be written.
With NaNo I've used the opportunity of allowing myself this month to write the next 50,000 words of my book and having this deadline means I'm simply telling the story without procrastinating about details. They can come later when I edit. The book won't be finished by the end of the month, but I can continue putting down rest of the story in December.
I'll feel much better having a dirty draft written - I was going to say filthy, but that may suggest more explicit sex scenes than those already in the book - and at least I can make sure the details, as well as the grammer, story arcs, etc are as they should be when I start editing.
So, what do you think of NaNo? Are you taking part? If so, are you enjoying yourself? I know I am.
Have a great weekend.
35K - you rock. Sorry I haven't dropped by in so long. I could've been following your NaNo progress all along. I'm participating - as besanderson - and even though I've only got 26K, I'm pretty pleased with the progress. Good luck and keep up the good words, Deb. =o)
Sounds like you've been using NaNo in just the right way. Well done for staying on track.
Have a lovely weekend Debs.
I'm not taking part. I admire those who are and I think that while it's not a perfect solution to writing a book it provides a deadline, an incentive and some great regular writing practice so I think it's great :O)
I'm not a NaNo-er but I can see the point. I too am working through a 'dirty draft' with Xmas as my self-imposed deadline. Sounds like you're doing really well - keep it up!
Any discipline that prevents waffling is a good thing, I think. Here's wishing you a "wordy" weekend, Debs.
You're doing awesome, Deb!!! 35k is terrific! Cheering you on from the sidelines...:-)
Go Debs!
I am having a blast with my first NaNoWriMo. It has taught me to sit and write, not play.
I have to finish before the 30th, unexpected flight to UK has reared its head. However, if I keep going I should get there.
Happy Scribbling.
Hey debs as you know this is my first Nano run and I'm finding it a great experience. I too have had this book in my head for two long and the freedom that just going for the bones is giving me is amazing. I also feel I'm developing a great writing habit. I'm on track to make it and will certainly do it again.
Fantastically well done, Debs. Never mind the pros and cons - you've written and that's the main thing!
Well done, Debs - keep going, we're all cheering you on! Margaret XXX
B.E. - thanks, I'm really enjoying taking part and am thrilled you are too. I'll add you as one of my writing buddies.
lane - thanks and the same to you.
madeleine - it's getting the book from my brain onto the page, so to speak, which is a relief.
queenie - glad you're writing is going well too. Good luck with your Christmas deadline.
faye - it's good to see the story moving along finally.
melissa - many thanks.
glynis - unexpected interruptions like those can be a bit of a pain, especially when you have a deadline like we have with NaNo. Good luck.
cheryl - I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. Last year was my first time taking part and I found it to be great fun, as well as really useful.
chris - thanks, you're right.
margaret - thanks so much. x
I'm not doing NaNo this year, but I really admire those taking part. Sounds like you're doing fastastically well!
talli - thanks. I think it helps that my story is flowing so well in my head.
I'm not taking part. Congrats on the 35 thou!
Hello Debs, so fantastic! I'm not taking part, but most certainly take my hat of to you. Looking forward to knowing when the words make your new book and it is out there for us to read. Hugs x
Crack ! Crack!
That's the sound of my whip... well done, Debs, I'm in awe...
Well done you Debs - that;s a terrific achievement. If it works for you and you';re enjoying it, then it's worth doing. Go for it!
gran - many thanks.
pauline - now that's a prospect I do like the sound of.
phillipa - wow, I could hear that from over here.
flowerpot - thanks very much.
Congratulations on all those words. Well done, you!
I don't do NaNo but I'm in awe of those who do. Keep going!
I'm a newbie Wrimo this year. I'm probably not going to "win" this time, as I'm lagging behind and going off on holiday on Thursday. Having said that, it's still a result for me, as I'll have at least 27,000 words of new raw material to work with when I get back.
Good luck on the final straight.
shirley - thanks. It helps that I'm really enjoying writing this story.
captain - Well done on your excellent word count, 27,000 is a huge amount to work with.
Hope you have a great time on holiday. I think this is the perfect time of year to go away.
I'm finding NaNo useful even if I do seem to spend the whole time catching up on where I should be on any given day. I'm having fun with what I'm writing, though, and finding it really freeing to see where the story takes me and not have to listen to my internal editor. It's fun to actually get a story that's been rumbling around instead my head for a while into a WP doc.
Good luck for the final stretch!
You know my thoughts on NANO, such a worthwhile endeavor, but as it starts to wind down, I am looking forward to not writing, in a few small ways. :))) Hope you had a wordy weekend!
That is brilliant Debs and from my point of view sometimes it's the only way to go - get it written then sort it out!
I'm with you on Nano but have not written in five days - so hopelessly behind but about to pick it up today.
I think Nano is a brilliant writing exercise whether the piece written is ever used again or not. It uses the writing muscle and will feel into other more careful work later. Well, that's my theroy and I'm sticking to it!!
Keep up the brilliant work!
kath - I'm enjoying just going for it and writing the story I want to tell without fretting too much.
anna - I had a very wordy weekend and am now up to 43,000 words, so only 7k to go. I can't imagine I'll ever manage to catch you up though.
liz - I totally agree with you. I'm sure you'll soon catch up and wish I could have been at the RNA Winter Party too, it looked great fun as always.
Have you finished yet?
As you were then, keep up the good work. Wrap up warm in the shed :) TFx
tf - only 3,000 words to go now, so hopefully I should finish tomorrow. I'll still have to do many more before the book is finished though.x
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