It's my daughter's Prom in three weeks (we have the dress and have nearly decided which shoes to buy), my son returns to Jersey next week for the entire summer (yay), Rob is threatening to bring out the barbeque once again (what's wrong with an oven), and all I want to do is put my feet up and relax. Okay, so I do have to work and I still have to finish writing the last 25k or so words of my first draft of the Wip, but all in all (if you ignore the deathly pallor of my bank balance) all is right with the world. Long may it last.
Thanks for all the support and for everyone who's tweeted, facebooked, commented and ultimately voted for The Plotting Shed. I've no idea how we've done, but we'll find out next week either way, but it's been great fun to take part and I urge any of you with your own sheds to consider taking part next year.
Have a great weekend.
This heatwave has come from nowhere!
Enjoy your weekend
So pleased you have summer at last and your family heading back home soon. I have everything crossed for you winning the Plotting Shed, the bubbly is already chilling...giggle!
And, I've just seen what you are reading, phew...I'm now a bag of nerves...hope you enjoy and giggle a lot! Big hugs and thank you so much! xx
It's finally summer here, too, and I can hardly believe it's June. This year is FLYING by.
Enjoy your weekend!
Cor! That's a lovely photo too! I do hope the Plotting Shed does well. Life sounds good there, Debs.
carol - It's been so dry here for so long now, but it's been cooler lately, so this warmer weather is so welcome.
pauline - I'm really enjoying your book and the characters are fab. Shall blog about it soon.x
melissa - glad you've got some good weather too.
chris - it's good, thanks. Long may it last :) I'm loving all the glorious pictures you've been taking at your new home, so gorgeous.
Have a great weekend and fingers crossed for the plotting shed!
Your plans sound great. We had what seems like our first day of summer here yesterday - and it might be the only hot day we get! Not that I mind, as I don't like the heat.
Look forward to hearing the results of the shed comp.
Summer is here already? - And it’s only June…..
The time with your family sounds like it’ll be great.
We wish you a wonderful summer,
from Boonie and Mrs S
A Prom sounds like fun :)
pat - many thanks, I should know on Monday how the shed has done in the competition.
rosemary - I think we've already had our one day of summer too, today is overcast although quite warm.
boonie - many thanks and you too.
casdok - it does sound fun, I would have loved to have gone to a Prom when I was younger, but we didn't have them then.
Oh I was just in time to vote for your shed. That was lucky!
joanne - many thanks for your vote, much appreciated.
I think we have your clouds! Supposed to rain here all weekend. Good for my garden, and I believe rain will again find your side of the pond. :)))
On a side note, I can't imagine not writing! I certainly see nothing wrong with spending time with imaginary folks. All this time I spend writing keeps me sane, grounded, even if I write about some pretty far-flung situations! :)))
Sounds like you're getting ready to sink into the lazy, hazy days of summer, Debs. That photo is wonderful. Who took it? What time of the day?
And I love your "deadly pallor" bank account! Have one of my own.
I hope you get some good rest! And I can't wait to hear about the potting shed contest!
anna - We desperately need rain too, in fact I can't remember the last time it rained properly.
faye - it was actually taken in Sorrento at the beginning of May on our first evening there. It was so beautiful.
gran - thanks, they'll announce the category winners on Monday.
Sounds like you've got a great summer ahead, Debs! We've had some lovely weather this week in London, too. Yay!
Ooh, lovely photo... have been trying to figure out where it was taken? Noirmont? Grosnez?? Aaarrgh, the torture!
At last! A kindred spirit! Someone who isn't in love with barbecues! You echo my sentiments - what's wrong with an oven? Now, don't get me wrong: I love eating out of doors, but proper food, not barbecue stuff. I love poached salmon, new potatoes, salad, fruit, delicious cakes, and so forth, but what I don't like is having either underdone or singed food presented to me as if it were something delicious, which it most decidedly is not. I love to use pretty table linen, bone china, flowers on the table - what I don't want are plastic or paper plates and food dripping grease everywhere. So, let's hear it for food-out-of-doors but not for barbecues! As for the smell - yesterday on one of the hottest days this year, I was sitting outside and instead of the scent of roses came the pong of barbecue smoke and burned fat ... all I wanted was peace and quiet, the sound of birds, and the scent of lavender and roses ... is it too much to ask?
And don't get me started on all the machinery which men insist on using once they are let out into the fresh air ... power washers, strimmers, drills, mowers ...
There should be an hour in the day when these things must be used, after which there is a noise curfew!
talli - it's overcast today, so it looks like summer may have been and gone!
jen - It was Sorrento, but could have been Grosnez with those gorgeous colours and the sea.
galant - we're mainly surrounded by fields so rarely have bbq smells around unless it's my husband burning the food! One of our two neighbours does tend to have a lot of chainsawing going on and it always seems to be on a particularly sunny day when I'm dozing outside.
Sounds good to me.
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