Friday 21 October 2011

Tweet Treats from Jane Travers

I'd like to welcome Jane Travers to my blog today. Jane is the author of a clever recipe book inspired by Twitter. I'll let Jane tell you more...

If life had taken another path I’d have been an inventor. I’ve always had ideas about how to make things better, or things that didn’t exist, but that I really wanted. When my daughter was a baby I had dozens of ideas; from a blanket that would actually stay on a squirming baby at night, to a gadget that would quickly and efficiently sterilise a pacifier if it fell on the ground.

However, my complete knack of makerly know-how scuppered me every time I came up with an idea for something. How would I make that gadget? I knew nothing about casting, moulding, or manufacturing, and so each idea would rattle annoyingly in my brain for a while, until it went to the place where ideas go to die. (Although I did make a kitchen implement I’d always wanted in a pottery evening class once! It’s rather odd though, and I don’t think anyone else would want one...)

Then in April of last year I had another idea. I was about to go and lie down in a darkened room until it too went away, but I realised that I could do this; I could collect hundreds of 140 character recipes through Twitter, I could badger celebrities to contribute, I could combine them all into a book that would be useful, cute and entertaining, and I could give the royalties to charity!
The great thing about this idea was that it required no technical know-how. I needed only two things; words and Twitter. Oh, and lots and lots of my time. And some serious balls. And a smattering of insanity.

Ok, more than two things.

Actually, there was another thing I’d need that I hadn’t thought I’d get – help. I had no sooner thrown the idea out there than I was bombarded by offers of help from Twitter friends, some of whom I’ve met in real life, most of whom I haven’t. They went forth (virtually) and spread the word, rounded up celebrities, coerced, cajoled and celebrated with me. I couldn’t have done this without Team Tweet Treats.

Anyway, I’m delighted to say that for once my daft idea has come to fruition. Tweet Treats was published this week by The O’Brien Press and is available from, Amazon, The Book Depository, Waterstones, Easons, Dubray Books, O'Brien Press and all good bookshops. All royalties are being donated to Medécins sans Frontières, an incredible organisation who are on the ground giving medical care to those who need it most in Somalia, Haiti and Pakistan, to name but a few. Every copy of Tweet Treats that’s sold directly benefits those who need it most.
Maybe I’ll turn my attention to the perfect mouse trap next time...


Rosemary Gemmell said...

Such a great post, Jane - your enthusiasm shines from the page! I love this whole idea and will be off to check out the book.

Jane Travers said...

Thanks Rosemary, what a lovely comment :)

Anita Chapman said...

This is such an original idea. Hope you sell loads and make lots of money for MSF. Anita

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

rosemary, Jane & Anita - I think this is a fantastic idea too and can't wait for my postman to deliver my copy.

Unknown said...

A wonderful post and an amazing idea. I'll have to get a copy of this. Hope you sell loads!

Margaret James said...

What a great idea - well done, Jane!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Shirley &Margaret - it's a clever idea isn't it. I know I'll be buying a few copies for friends.

Glynis Peters said...

What a clever idea!

Catching up on your posts...shame I missed the chocs! Pretty roses and a lovely idea for remembering 'meet up day'.

I smiled at your editing inside post. It is sunny here 90% of the year, so I sit inside for the shade.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Glynis - The roses and chocs were wonderful.

I wish it was warmer here now.

Jenny Beattie said...

Isn't Twitter marvellous? (Even though I don't really get on very well with it.)

I'm very glad that Jane went ahead with the idea because frankly I'm as rubbish a cook as I am a twitter... tweeter... whatever. But I reckon even I can manage a recipe of 140 characters.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

jenny - I love Twitter.

I'm thrilled Jane has gone ahead with this, it's a brilliant idea and I just wish my postman would hurry up and bring my copy. We don't have postal deliveries in Jersey on Saturdays, so I'm hoping it gets here today.

Talli Roland said...

Hi Jane! What a brilliant idea to combine Twitter and treats - my two favourite things! :) Thanks for hosting, Debs.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Talli - great idea, isn't it?