I can't believe Christmas will soon be here, but thankfully I'm slowly crossing things of my various lists (events to go to/shopping/things to do). I love Christmas, but some are busier than others. I share my children with their father and this year they will be with me on Christmas Eve and with him for most of Christmas Day/Boxing Day. Next year, when they're with me, I'll be making lunch (with Rob's help) for about 20 family members, and it's always great fun. This year though, it'll be quieter and I feel like I've forgotten something not having to do all the extra food shopping.
The decorations are up, but the worst job of all, the wrapping, still needs to be tackled. Groan. I really should do that this weekend. I've only managed to make a list of people I need to send Christmas cards to, so I should get on with that soon too.
How are your Christmas preparations coming along?
Groan too.... Just getting some of the festive spirit! Have a hotline to Santa - could be an elf at this rate! Good luck with your preparations!!
Ps love the photo - beautiful
Hectic! That's me right now. It looks like you are moving right along. Wrapping presents is the hardest for me too. But when I get it done, even if I am still wrapping on Christmas eve, I feel a sense of accomplishment. This year will be some quieter for me too, as my family will be elsewhere on the big day.
Have as wonderful Christmas, Debs!!
Gorgeous picture, I've done my card list and keep looking at the presents to wrap it'll be a last minute dash as per!
You have reminded me that I should not be here but writing Christmas cards!
Fee - lol. Hope it all goes well.x
Kaye - hope you get everything done soon. Hope you have a lovely Christmas too.
Andrea - glad you like the pic and good luck with all those cards and presents. x
Lindylou - lol, me too!
Oh, what a fortunate view you have, Debs. Christmas is very low key around here--some concerts, lunch with out of town friends, weekly Taize meditation services,and cards--just ordered them. On Christmas Day I plan to see Speilberg's new movie "War Horse"-opening day for it.
Beautiful picture....confession - I have done virtually nothing. I should be panicked but somehow I'm not which means it will hit me soon! Good luck with everything.
Amazing photo.
I do love cloud photos. The colours this time of year at about 3.30-4pm are stunning.
I finished shopping and wrapping last wkend. Just the food shop to do.
We are having a quiet one at home with the kids until they disappear to their dad after xmas lunch :)
Most of the buying is done but the wrapping awaits...I think (hope) we'll get on with doing it this week. The photo in your post is so beautiful!
Faye - I'm desperate to see War Horse, but it's not over here till January. What a great way to celebrate Christmas.
Liz - lol, I'm sure you'll pull it all together. Have a fun time. x
Dizzy C - They are pretty spectacular, aren't they?
You do sound organized though.
Dj - You sound organized too. Hope you have a lovely Christmas.
Beautiful image :-)
Gorgeous picture, Debs. =o)
Daughter and I decorated the house when she was home for fall break. I sent my cards out yesterday. Other than that, I haven't done much of anything. Very little shopping, no wrapping. I can't believe how behind I am this year.
Tf - thanks, m'dear. x
B E - you sound about as organized as me.
Glad you like the picture.
I've been good and wrote out my cards... only passed on a couple yet though.
I did a bit of wrapping last week but still got heaps to do. Worse. Job. Ever.
We're going away for Christmas so I don't need to worry about food shopping this year.
Well the tree went up last night, all the kids lending a hand. I have done no shopping, that weighs heavily. Christmas cards are also lingering. But decorations are up, shopping will commence this week, the house smelling like pine!
I ADORE that photograph. Absolutely stunning!!! Enjoy your quiet run-up to the holidays.
Gorgeous photo!
I've done the gift wrapping (hate that job so I usually do it first to get it out of the way) but I still need to decorate the house and write the cards.
mama j - you sound very organized to me.
Have a fabulous trip.
anna - I'm not surprised you still have a lot to do with everything you've had to deal with recently.
Thanks for liking the picture.
shirley - I wish I'd finished my gift wrapping... I'd better get on with the rest of it.
I think I'm pretty much on track. Decorating is done, Christmas cards sent, and only a few gifts left to buy. I also did some Christmas baking yesterday - the sugar cookies, which is always the most labor-intensive recipe to make, but it was an absolute joy since my daughter helped me make them.
What a lovely picture, Debs. I agree, I love to know the sea's not far away.
Love the photo, Debs. I don't worry about it all that much as I know I'll get there in the end!
I've been very organised this year - made up for the chaos of last year! Just got deliveries of cards and presents to local friends to make - something I'm not great at doing because of my awful unsociable life!
CJ x
Melissa - I love baking with my daughter on the odd occasion I can persuade her to do it.
Flowerpot - me too!
Rosemary - we always do get there in the end, don't we?
CJ - good lick with all your deliveries.
Lovely photo, Debs. Your quiet Christmas reminds me of the one that my son spent abroad with his father when he was 15. It was so quiet I kept feeling that something was missing. Not that I'm averse to quiet, mind you...
You're a lot more prepared than I am. What with work, school, exams and such I've only just started putting my lists together. Not a thing bought or even ordered yet. This is going to be interesting...
Liane - it does feel strange without the youngsters, especisllynwhen its Christmas.
Good luck with your preparations.
Gorgeous photo.
We're having a quiet Christmas, so that means less work for me. Tree's been up for weeks, have downsized the pressie list and will visit M&S food hall Christmas Eve. Sorted :0)
Suzanne - sounds like you've got the right idea. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.x
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