Grumps helped me sweep the shed earlier yesterday (if you can call trying to kill the broom helping) and now I'm ready to get writing. I've had a few weeks without my writing because I thought it would be nice to make the most of having my son, daughter and various family members in the island for Christmas. However, I'm now itching to get going again. It doesn't suit me not to write for too long and I can't wait to get started with a new book and polishing others.
So, I'd like to wish you a very healthy (most importantly) 2012 and may this year be filled with lots of writerly success for us all.
I'm looking forward to the paperback copy of, Tears and Laughter and Happy Ever After, coming out in the near future (more info about that as soon as I have it); reading new books for Novelicious, for Women's Fiction Thursday, and writing/editing and keeping in touch with you all over the next twelve months.
Happy 2012!
Happy new year to you too Debs , I just live your shed and your dog. If I were ever to have another dog that's the breed I would have.
All the best to you and yours in 2012 Debs. Holidays are fine but it's very nice to get back to the routines afterwards--especially in a clean shed!
Happy New Year, Debs - and 2011 was the year I finally got to meet you at last - not for long enough! Hope we can meet again for longer this year.
Have a great 2012, Debs!
A veryh appy new year Debs and may it be productive and happy xx
Wishing you a very happy, healthy and successful new Year, Debs! I love that shed - and Grumps.
Happy New Year, Debs. Wishing you lots of lovely things in 2012.
Much love
Suzanne XX
Happy New Year to you and yours, Debs. May 2012 be an awesome year for us all. =o)
I got a bit nutty if I haven't written for awhile, either. Hope you get lots accomplished this year!
Happy New Year!
Thanks, ladies. Here's to a healthy, fabulous, writerly 2012.x
HAPPY NEW YEAR Debs. Still laughing about Grumps and that broom. x
Happy New Year Debs :-)
I'll be getting back to writing tomorrow but not in a lovely shed like yours (jealous). The sofa will have to do for me.
Diane - thank you. You too.
He hates the vacuum, mop and broom and tries to kill them every time I use them! Such a pest. As if cleaning isn't bad enough without dragging a schnauzer along with you.
Mama j - I'll bet the sofa is in a warmer room though!
The happiest of happy to you, too. And your shed....amazing!
Happy new Year, Debs.
I so want your shed!! If Chris and I ever get round to buying a house and we have space I'm gonna get myself one!
C x
Ooops, got so carried away over your shed I forgot to wish you a Happy New Year! So, erm...Happy New Year!
C x
Sue, patsy & Carol - thanks. xxx
Happy 2012 to you too! I need to clear off my work space; wish I had Grumps here to offer direction!
Looking forward to the paperback of Tears, Laughter and Happy Ever After!
Anna - thanks. I think you'll get far mor done without his help. Lol!
Love the shed. Happy New Year.
Linda - thank you, and the same to you.
Happy 2012 to you too. Love the photo of your shed and Divadog. I am looking forward to starting the outreach work linked to my post as Writer in Residence and finishing a series of novellas that I am writing. May 2012 bring us all many productive and enjoyable writing sessions.
dj - thanks, same to you. Here's wishing you a wonderful, productive time as Writer in Residence. I hope 2012 is a brilliant year for you.
I think I have writing shed envy.
Just wanted to say, your shed looks AWESOME! I'm so envious!
rhoda - thank you very much. It's very messy, but has a great atmosphere.x
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