The lucky winner of Evonne Wareham's fabulous new book, Never Coming Home, and a Wispa bar, is Talli Roland. Congratulations, Talli, I hope you enjoy Evonne's book as much as I did.
Don't forget you can also have a chance to win a copy of this book (and a Wispa!) at Novelicious where I've reviewed, Never Coming Home, and where Choc Lit Publishers are including the giveaway as part of the 'Wispa it...' blog tour. Here's the link. All you have to do is leave a comment.
I love reviewing books for Novelicious and never know what treasures I'm going to find in my postbox each day when I come home from work. None today, thanks to the fog! At the moment I'm lucky enough to have a copy of Liz Fenwick's debut novel, The Cornish House, so I'm going to wish you all a great weekend, make a cup of tea and carry on reading it.
Ooh, before I forget, if anyone lives in London and can pick up a copy of the Metro mag on 27th February (especially the insert) and forward it to me, I'd be very grateful.
Sorry to hear about the fog; I hope it lifts soon. I'm green with envy as I cannot wait to read Liz's book.
Oooh, I'd use the fog as a great excuse to stay home and be cosy - and get some writing done :0)
Thanks for the links. And love the new prfile picture.
Yep, I'm with Suzanne, Debs. Stay snug and read! Or write.
Love Antigua myself too - many a good evening on the rum punch at Shirley Heights!
Jenny - I think we have more of the same tomorrow too.
Suzanne - thanks about the picture, I hate having my photo taken, poor photographer.
Am going out as little as possible this weekend.
Bluestocking mum - ahhh, rum punch... Good drink!
I love fog - there is something so still and cosy about it, but it is a pain when it makes everything come to a stop - hope it clears soon x
Teresa - thankfully I don't need to go anywhere this weekend, so I'm happy to stay inside and enjoy the quiet. Unfortunately, the airport is full of people waiting for the fog to lift. When it does come down like this the fog tends to stay for three days.
Fog is fine if you're not going anywhere and a great excuse to cosy indoors! Enjoy the new book. Oh, and your new photo is lovely.
Rosemary - I agree about the fog. Thank you for being so kind about my picture.x
Thank you for drawing my attention to Liz Fenwick's book The Cornish House - I've just pre-ordered this (although correctly speaking, simply to 'order' would be more appropriate!) on Amazon.
Your fog: could this not be called a Jersey Particular (like London's smog used to he called a London Particular)?
Margaret P
Yay! Thank you so much - I'm thrilled to be able to read Evonne's book.
I hope the fog lifts so normal life resumes!
Galant - it's a wonderful book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Thankfully we don't get these three day fogs too often, but when we do they're incredibly disruptive.
Talli - Congratulations, once again. You should receive your book and Wispa from Choc Lit soon.x
Oooh lucky Talli, and lucky you Debs, to have a pre-release copy of The Cornish House to read/review. Yes, I am envious....
Well done to Talli indeed; a book and a chocolate bar sounds like a little piece of heaven!
And that's a fabulous photo.
CJ x
Sorry about the fog but what a good excuse to curl up with a book. It's pretty foggy here in Cornwall, too...
Dj kirkby - I know. I was thrilled to receive a copy.
Flowerpot - it seems to have come back down again here too. More travel chaos, poor people.
Love that photo, sorry you were fog-bound! Hope things are back to normal now...
Debs - I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it! And I think a foggy weekend is probably the perfect time to read it!
And thanks JJ, Rosemary, galant,and DJ.
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