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My family are fine with this. Rob works a lot and loves gardening. Sas, when she's not at school, has a social life that really could keep a full-time social secretary busy and James is at uni. So, that leaves poor Grumps. He's the one who has to sit/lie and wait for me to finish. Something I never seem to do without immediately starting on the next book, etc.
He does go for a walk every day, usually to the beach, and whenever I go out in the car he comes with me, usually sitting on the front seat with the teens in the back!
Poor him. He always looks so miserable, even when he's having fun.
Awww, poor Grumps. At least he gets to go for walks and drives.
It's nice to have a low-key dog who just wants to be around you. Willie follows me from room to room, whether I'm reading or on computer. Love that the teens have to take the backseat to Grumps. My friend talks about having to take the backseat to her husband's dog in the farm truck, :-)
Debs, I'm doing an Amazon order this weekend. Is "T & L and Happily Ever After" out in hard or softcover yet? Last time I tried to order it was only available in Kindle edition.
Aw he's so gorgeous - quite right he sits in the front :-) x
Hi Debs, this post took me back to the times I had my blue cattle dog, Patches (he's in doggie heaven now - oh, how I miss him dearly). I used to read out all my short stories that I was drafting to him. Patches was such a good listener. Not much on feedback, but such a good listener! :-)
B e sanderson - he loves his walks ans ran into the sea twice today.
Faye - Willie sounds adorable and I had to giggle at the thought of your friend having to sit behind the dog in the truck.
Thanks for asking about T&L. It isn't out yet in paperback, but I'll try to find out when and let you know.
Teresa - thanks. I agree with you.
Diane - Patches sounds like he was an excellent writing partner. I've never seen a blue cattle dog before and will have to look one up on Google.
Aw, he's such a cute companion, even when grumpy!
rosemary - he's a sweetie really.
Poor Grumps should meet Polly, my Westie. Polly sighs and groans when she's grumpy - which is most of the time. They'd get on, I'm sure!
Grumps is such a little sweetie. I bet he loves it when you read out loud to him. He must be the most literary dog on the planet.
Poor Grumps. :) My dogs wear similar expressions because I, too, spend most of my life in front of a screen or a book. They have hard lives!
Janice - lol, I'm sure they'd get on very well!
Annieye - he tends to snore rather a lot when I read to him...
Shirley - poor things must get very bored with our lack of movement.
Hahaha, what a cute pooch and I'm sure he is a very happy companion. He must love having you around.
Just stopping by to let you know I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award over on my blog.
Head on over to check it out:
Hi Debs, a great blog and what an inspirational lifestyle.I love the idea of you writing in your shed on beautiful Jersey with your pooch!I found you through the novelicious site(which is fab) and since this discovery a world of womens writing has opened up for me, its really great as its easy to feel isolated and discouraged at times but frank and friendly blogs such as yours are a real breath of fresh air. looking forward to following your news colleen
Unpublished life - thanks for the blog award, I'll post about it soon.
Colleen - Thank you for your lovely comment. I'm thrilled you like my blog and enjoy the Novelicious site and hope that you visit us both again soon.
I agree, it can be difficult to stay positive and not become discouraged occasionally, so it's doubly important that we interact with other like-minded writers on our road to publication. Hang in there.
Dogs ahve that way of making you feel sorry for them even when they're happy, don't they?!! Give Grumps a cuddle from me and Molls
He's cultivating the look so that you feel guilty...our cats do the same!
(as I was writing this Lugs appeared in the study trailing a shoe lace behind him. He has now sat at my feet and is looking at me as if to say 'Well!?'. LOL Gai is now attacking the end of it and they are having a bit of a tug of war with it! Our cats are weird!)
C x
Love that photo :o)
Molly gently nudges my hand or rests her head on my leg and looks at me appealingly when she feels it's time for her walk. If I don't respond, she sighs deeply and lies down again. Then I feel guilty and off we go!
(Maybe that's her cunning plan).
flowerpot - thank you, they certainly do. Please give Molls a cuddle from me too.x
carol - cats are such characters. I can't imagine living without a cat or a dog mooching about.
karen - Grumps does similar things too. Aren't they clever?
That's one of the things that I love about your blog, Debs. No matter how much fun you are having, Grumpy's always there looking grumpy beside you! It just makes me laugh to see his permanent expression of disapproval even though it's clear he has a lovely life!
Aw, he's gorgeous. :0)
Grumps is just an old drama queen! He looks like that because he hs been at the kohl, tee-hee! Seriously, he's ad-or-able!
Margaret P
chris - I know. He's a miserable little devil and grumbles a lot too!
suzanne - he is adorable (most of the time).
galant - He's also known as Divadog by the poor woman who clips him every 6-8 weeks.
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