Wednesday 12 December 2012


12.12.12 might be a date that most of us will only see once during our lifetime, but according to the St Catherines Standard, there's an Australian woman, Florence Turpin, who was born on 12 December 1912 and she's celebrating her 100th birthday today. I can only imagine the enormous changes this lady must have seen throughout her life.

According to Jonathan Cainer, there are 'no major planetary aspects today', so apart from the date looking a little more interesting than usual it doesn't seem to be a day with any special meaning.

It is a sunny, crisp, winter's day though, so a walk on the beach should be just the thing to wake me up and give me the energy to keep going until the weekend. Who knows, I might even force myself to decorate the Christmas tree that's been standing in the conservatory since Saturday.


Carol said...

Awww, I love that she's celebrating her 100th birthday today :-D

(wonder if they cut the cake at 12:12pm)

C x

Teresa Ashby said...

Grumps looks cosy in the armchair :-)

How lovely that the lady is celebrating her 100th birthday today :-) x

Jennifer Joyce said...

Love that photo. He's such a cutie.

*whispers* I haven't decorated my tree yet either*

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Carol - I thought that was lovely too. I wonder if they did cut her cake at 12.12?x

Teresa - aww, thank you. He's a sweetie, most of the time.x

Mama J - thank you.x

I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Karen said...

Love that photo!

Hard to imagine being 100 years old, and having all those memories - a memorable date for her, that's for sure :o)

I've finally put our Christmas tree up after much nagging from the (grown-up) children!

Amanda said...

How amazing to have memories that go back so far.

I was born on the 12th or the 12th - and recall being so chuffed when I was 12 on the 12th of the 12th - how easily pleased we were as children. X

Love the photo of Grumps!

Unknown said...

karen - lol, I love that your grown up children were nagging you to put up the tree. Mine love the tree being up, but disappear when it's time to actually do it.x

amanda - for some reason the date didn't register when I wished you a Happy Birthday. Wow! x

D.J. Kirkby said...

Glad you found the energy to decorate your tree because it's gorgeous! Welcome to the weekend.

Talli Roland said...

Grumps looks comfy!

Happy 12.12.12.

Flowerpot said...

Dear Grumps! I;ve just nominated you for Next Big Thing, Debs - go over to my place! x