Sunday 24 February 2013

World Book Night 2013 Giver

I was very excited to wake up this morning to an email letting me know I'd been chosen as a Giver for World Book Day 2013. Here is the book I'll be giving away on or around 23 April this year to people who may be non-readers or light readers to encourage them to become more involved in the wonderful worlds that books can transport readers into.

This wasn't my first choice, but I've heard about Red Dust Road and look forward to reading it and introducing it to others. 


Faye said...

The cover looks intriguing. I can remember when little girls wore these summer play outfits.

Do you get to choose how you share your books?

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Good luck with taking part, Debs - haven't read that book.

Jennifer Joyce said...

World Book Night is such a great idea. Hope you have fun with it.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

faye - I loved the picture too.

Yes, it's up to me, but I must give them out to people who either don't read, or are light readers, to encourage people.

rosemary - neither have I, so I'm looking forward to doing so.

Mama J - thank you. It's my first time taking part.

Carol said...

Congrats on being picked! I will be interested to find out more about it!

C x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

carol - thank you. This will be my first year, but if someone gets the reading bug from one book I give out I'll be thrilled.

sheepish said...

It sounds like a brilliant idea, I haven't heard of it before is there a website or will you be telling us a bit more about it. Maybe how to get involved for next year?

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

sheepish - thank you. I should have set up a link on my post. I've now added a link to the World Book Night 2013 website, which will tell you more about how it works and hopefully how to apply next year.

Flowerpot said...

What a great idea, Debs. I haven't heard of that book either.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

flowerpot - I was thrilled to be chosen to be a giver and can't wait to read this book.