I'm not considered strictly local as my family, on my father's side, didn't come to the island until 1855. My mother was born in England. R was born here but his parents weren't so he isn't either. I don't care, I shall enjoy the day as a true local regardless of my foreign status. We usually take the dog for a walk somewhere and last year went and looked in a few bunkers, which were surprisingly interesting and eerie as they are so well preserved. To be honest, I groaned at first but as the rest of the family wanted to have a look I eventually gave in and followed suit.
Hopefully I shall also be able to get some writing done. If you haven't tried www.youwriteon.com, it's worth having a look. I posted the first three chapters of BS and for every review you carry out for someone else, you also have a review of your own work, which is then rated. It's rather nervewracking when you receive an email telling you that you have a review as then you have to see what people think. You can edit your work at any time, if necessary. I've always found the criticism to be constructive and useful.
Have a great day.
I did sign up to youwriteon a while ago, and promptly forgot about it! Tut. I'll check it out again sometime.
Happy Liberation Day for tomorrow :o)
Happy Liberation Day for tomorrow! Thanks for that link, will have to check it out - very scary though. Fair play for being so brave!
Have a lovely holiday weekend, Debs!
Happy Liberation Day Debs!!
C x
Oh my goodness. You're not considered *local* after 150 odd years?!
Happy Liberation Day!!
I've only ever heard Union Flag as the other term, so if you find out let me know what the correct name is!
I've liberated myself today from essays, and I'm proudly flying the flag horizontally from my window. People must think I'm a weirdo
Enjoy your day!
karen - it is worth doing, I've had some useful feedback. Thanks, the weather could have been better for today but at least there's no work.
yvonne - thank you. Youwriteon.com is very good and certainly scary when you first do it. I look forward to receiving reviews and hate it when I get them and then have to pluck up courage to read them.
maddie moon - thank you, I hope you have a lovely weekend too.
carol and chris - thank you. Hope you have a great weekend.
christina phillips - no I probably won't ever be truly local, still lovely to live here though most of the time.
Daniel - you're right, it is the Union Flag, I can only remember it as the Union Jack. Well done you for being so patriotic with your flag.
Happy Liberation Day to you too. We've got the flag up and all the smaller ones from the flagpole. They were hoisted at 5am this morning, and as you can imagine, it wasn't me who put them up there. I was still fast asleep.
Happy Liberation Day to you too my dear!
Happy Liberation day, Debs. Cornwall is like that, too. I'm Cornish born and bred but would never be considered a local.
Will have a look at youwriteon.com - sounds interesting...
Hi Debs, I called by for a visit to see what you are up to after you kindly called in on me. We had liberation day here too. Lots of flag waving and then off to the Salle de Fete for a meal and lots of the old vino collapso! I hope you have a great W/E. Debs x
P.S. This is me in France not you commenting on you in Jersey, soo confusing!
Happy Lib day weekend. That youwrite site looks intresting!
Liberation Day is a cause for serious celebration. I love that R puts up all those flags!
Have a lovely weekend Debs:-) x
helenmh - thank you. I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.
tam - thank you. Isn't it funny how these places are. I've always wanted to visit Cornwall, it sounds glorious.
debs - your liberation celebrations sound great fun too. I love all the flags, wine and fun.
djkirby - thank you, I hope you have a lovely weekend too.
Youwriteon.com is worth a look.
lane - he used to be in the navy and loves any excuse for putting up the flags. Bless him. Hope you have a lovely weekend too.
Can anyone tell me where in Jersey is the monument to the Islands resistance movement ??
In other countries occupied by the Nazi's they all have monuments and honour the memory of those (often small minority) who dared to fight back
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