It was great fun even though I had a drop more rose than I should have and feel rather queasy today. Serves me right. It's not big and it's certainly not clever to drink more than you should. Oh well.
The other day I spied a monstrous spider sprinting along my window sill and nearly gassed myself by spraying bug spray in the shed before racing out and firmly locking the door behind me. I think and most definately hope that I've managed to kill off the hideous creature and any others lurking in the corners, eugh. I've been fairly productive yesterday and spent a happy couple of hours working on my rewrite in the shed but today is a time of lethargy and procrastination, I'm afraid. Tomorrow I shall give myself a mental talking to and get back to the shed and on with the job of sorting out this book.
I have never gotten past about page three of any novel I have attempted to write, so hats off to you is my opinion. But I can well understand you must be keen to get it perfected and out there having put in most of the hard yards. Good luck with it.
Hmmm, that's my problem with a shed: great big eight legged creatures. Hope you managed to annihilate it!
Lol, I bought a card the other day that this post reminded me of: 'Live your dreams, except the one about being eaten by a giant spider!' I am a bit late reading this so I hope your hangover is gone now.
Good writing tip of the day. Blogging is another great way to pass the time!
Editing can be mental torture can't it? Much breaks are required! Enjoy your day of rest!
Eurgh Debs. The thought of creepies would make it hard to concentrate!
The party sounds gun:-)
hilary - thanks, I sometimes wonder if I will ever feel that I have done the best I can with my books.
jj - I hope I did too, damn thing, eugh.
dj kirby - thanks it has gone now. I love the sound of that card.
leigh russell - thanks. Blogging is a great way to pass time although the time flies by a little too quickly sometimes.
yvonne - I know, I sometimes dont think I'll ever get to the end.
lane - the party was great fun although I paid for it the day after.
Pirate Debs, not drunk on rum by any chance? TFx
I keep trying to tell people spiders are out for world domination but no-one listens to me. I'm like the nerdy scientist in a disaster movie but I'll take no pleasure in being right when we are all being controlled by merciless eight-legged masters.
Have I had one of my moments again??
I would soooooo not be able to write if I thought a spider was lurking x
You should have let Grumpy loose, Debs. There's nothing quite so hilarious as a dog and a spider ....
I think we all have times of drinking too much, indulging in lethargy and procrastination. Don't beat yourself up about it too much Debs!
Debs, if I lived closer I could have brought my cat over to deal with your spider. After playing with one the other day he decided to eat it....and then he burped!! Lovely!!!
Your Pirate party sounds like good fun!!
C x
Sooo jealous, I want an excuse to dress as a pirate - any excuse will do. Aw-er, pieces of eight!
Am I the only one who likes spiders around here?
The party sounds like fun, but where are the photos????
tom foolery - nope, it was Rose all the way for me and rather too much of it too!
tam - I think you could be right, unfortunately. The damn things seem to be everywhere and try as I might I can't get over my fear of them, eugh!
helenmh - I know what you mean, I keep thinking they are creeping up on me, hence the bug spray.
annieye - you would think that he would go for the spider, and indeed has done in the past but I screamed so loudly that now he's scared of them too. Poor thing.
flowerpot - thanks, I hate wasted days but dont have them too often so I suppose it's not too bad.
carol & chris - so funny! I can picture the cat burping and it serves the spider right. Maybe I should have your cat to stay for a bit.
kerry - it was fun. I think people relax more when they're dressed as someone else, probably because they look completely different.
maddie moon - oh I do envy you, I wish I could like them too.
There are photos but hopefully I shall never have to look at them, I hate pictures of myself.
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