All profits from the sale of Disraeli Avenue will go to One in Four, the charity run for and by people who have experienced sexual abuse. So if you want to receive one of the limited editions before the official release in January, go here to Caroline's blog where you can immediately pre-order your copy. I've pre-ordered mine and can't wait to receive it.
This weekend sees the Jersey Live Festival 2008, where people who live in Trinity will no doubt see youngsters, and the not so young, make their way to enjoy the music over Saturday and Sunday. Edith Bowman (she of Radio One fame) said about the Jersey Live Festival, that it has "more pulling power than any other small festival".
So, whilst the youngsters are preparing for their weekend of sunshine (apparently the forecast is 27 degrees on Saturday & 21 degrees on Sunday) & music (definately), I shall be tucked away in the shed, trying to figure out how to make HH&S the best read it can be. I've not worked out a few bits yet and need to get a move on as I'm back to work (nooooooooooooooo) on Monday.
That weather forecast sounds good. I'm off to Cornwall on Saturday so I might have a couple of days on the beach. The problem is no swimsuit or not one that fits me. Writers bum, thighs and stomach has attacked me.
fiona - I've never been to Cornwall, it looks lovely and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
I know exactly how you feel re swimsuits (urgh). I'm certainly suffering from the writer's bum/thighs/stomach.
I have friends who live on Jersey so must get over there sometime. Hope the festival went well and ypou had better weather than we did here. Nice to visit you.
The weather forecast does look great! I wish I had something exciting planned now! Good luck with your weekend of writing.
Thank you lovely Debs x
kissa - thanks for visiting. I love the photos of Cornwall on your blog, very beautiful.
annie bright - I do hope the weather is good, so far I've had very little amount of sunshine for my two weeks off. Nevermind, it's all good for the word count if nothing else.
caroline - my pleasure, can't wait to receive my copy of this wonderful book.
Oh I must go and order mine. Thanks for the reminder.
I've ordered my copy of this exquisite novella! I was wondering where the sunshine had got to but now I know. Could we have it back when you are finsihed with it please?
jj - I can't wait to receive my copy.
dj kirkby - the sunshine is up there somewhere, but hiding at the moment. It is supposed to be out tomorrow though. Here's hoping that I manage to get one sunny day before returning to work on Monday.
I'm just catching up after a week of non-stop visitors at Hotel H (dread to think how much worse it would get if we had a festival on the doorstep!). You're working really hard, Debs, it's about time I got myself into gear.
chrish - it does take some time to sort everything after visitors leave. Stepson #4 leaves on Sunday after a month's visit and my mother and Stepfather arrive on Wednesday, so it's pretty busy here too.
Thankfully the festival isn't too close to where I live, so I'll be spared the crowds flocking to and fro. S can't wait to go though.
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