Whilst in London last week we visited the National Gallery. I could have happily wandered from room to room for days and thought how lucky the small gatherings of children that were there with teachers were, to be able to go on such a fabulous outing. Mind you, I probably would have rather gone to a petting zoo when I was ten years old. I bought a book about Klimt. It's only a small one but filled with glorious paintings.

I've just received a phone call from the tree man. He seems very nice and sounds like an over excited puppy, but unfortunately he'll be coming tomorrow to cut down the leaning fir tree, and my poor cherry tree that's half dead with some sort of honeyfungus disease - gulp, sob. They're the biggest trees in my garden and have obviously been here years. I'll hate coming home from work tomorrow and seeing two large gaps where they once stood. R is rather philosophical and said that at least we'll have enough logs for the winter. You know, sometimes we really see things quite differently.
I can understand your sadness at losing your trees. They become like friends in an odd sort of way.
Hope S is better and ready for school tomorrow!
So sorry that the trees are going, I would feel the exact same way.
Ooh, Honey fungus disease doesn't sound good. Poor trees x
I hate it when trees are cut down. We had an orchard next door that was chopped down for a development. I cried like a child as the trees fell. How silly, but it was so sad. :-(
Hope S is fit and well today. :-)
Ooohhh I love Klimt. We went to Venice for our honeymoon and walking around St Marks Cathedral was like walking around in a Klimt painting....could definately see where he got his inspiration from!!
I would be sad about the trees too....I love trees....probably why they feature in so many of my drawings!!
Hope S has completely recovered now
C x
Whoa, Debs! You've been busy while I've been away. Well done on reaching halfway mark with WIP.
Hi Debs! I've been reading through your posts that I've missed over the past few days. The conference sounds like it had some really good info on keeping up with the writing.
Good for you on reaching the halfway mark on the wip!
And I'm so sorry you had to lose your fav trees...
Well, that's it from me for now, lol.
My daughter is notorious for feeling wretched in the morning, taking a long nap, and then feeling perfectly fine. And I, of course, not wanting to pass up an opportunity to get a day off work, always fall for it and let her stay home.
lane - I'm so sorry to see them go, the garden will look quite bare without them.
S is much better, thanks.
yvonne - they are so beautiful, it's hard not becoming attached to them.
helenmh - I've no idea what it is but it certainly isn't pleasant.
annie bright - an entire orchard! I would have been devastated too.
S is much better thanks.
carol - I've never been to Venice and would love to go. Must make a plan to do so.
The trees have now gone and it looks awful.
S is much better thanks.
chrish - it has been rather chaotic and full on some days though quiet on others. Hope you had a lovely time.
kaye manro - it was very interesting and certainly helped inspire me.
Thanks re the WIP and the trees.
S is much better today and back at school.
melissa marsh - I fall for it every time too. Mind you she doesn't do that often and she was very bunged up.
I cried (aged 10) once when they cut down one of old rotten apple trees so I know how you must be feeling. I love Klimt. Enjoy the book. TFx
Awww, sympathy - we had to have a beautiful mature cedar cut down when we moved into our house (it was MUCH too close) and then a couple of years later a big sycamore that was rotting from the top down - but it was home to a pair of squirrels and numerous birds, and I felt like an evil Victorian slum landlord twirling my moustaches as I evicted innocent creatures into the snow. Not that it was snowing. And I don't have moustaches either. But the skyline has never been quite the same.
tom foolery - it's such a shame to see something so beautiful just disappear.
zinnia - what a horrible thing to have to do, although sometimes we simply have no choice. I wonder if the birds & Squirrels have forgiven you yet?
Very sad to hear about your trees.
I love the National Gallery now but yes as a child i was not so impressed!
casdok - it certainly looks rather bare without all that extra foliage.
I wish I lived closer to the NG and could visit more often :)
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