Last night several of us went to see
Spirit of the Dance at the Opera House, which was incredible. Suffice to say I needed a rest after all that clapping and how they manage nearly two hours of constant dancing is completely beyond me. I've never seen such enthusiasm and their sheer fitness put me to shame. We all had a great evening, I'm so glad that I went and have to admit that getting me to go out anywhere on a Monday night really takes some doing.

Tomorrow I'm going to London to the
Romantic Novelists Association meeting where Penny Vincenzi will be giving a talk and I can't wait. So tonight I have to get cracking with the packing. R finds it amusing that it takes so long for me to decide what to take for one night away. It's not as if I have that many clothes to choose from (he disagrees with me here, again) and usually end up choosing the same things each time. I've set the tape for Lost in Austen because I'm pretty sure that R won't remember to record it. "Not another period drama," is the oft received comment.
On Sunday, I met some family members for lunch at St Catherine's cafe for breakfast (having walked Grumpy along the breakwater first - it's nearly a mile or something) and just as we were leaving, my mother noticed that the first aid kit was out and B (my uncle) was breveting (sp?) about for something in it. "What's she done?" asked my mother.
B replied, with a heavenward roll of his eyes. "She's broken a nail."
Now, before you think me fickle, I feel the need to explain that I'd snagged my nail and it had torn low down and hurt like hell, and he was actually looking for a pair of scissors so that I could trim it. It's fine, unless I type and then it's rather sore.
Better dash, packing, nagging and feeding to be getting on with.
Enjoy your trip to London Debs, TFx
Nice to meet you ! and please give me the recipe to NOT get addicted to black box !!
Have a lovely time at the RNA. It sounds very glam, whizzing 'overseas' for one night!
Looking forward to Lost in Austen too. Got to see how it ends now:-)
Have a fab time in London!
Hope you have a lovely trip debs! Cant wait to hear all about it. Watch your nails!! xx
Have a safe trip and enjoy the meeting.
Have a lovely time in London Debs...lovely to have you in the big smoke!
I love going to the Theatre...it always makes me feel really grown up!! (not sure why but it does!!)
Ouch...it is sooo amazingly painful when you tear a nail that far down isn't it!!
Have a fab time in London
C x
My wife saw this latest "Riverdance" show with the mother-in-law and thought it was absolutely brilliant. I was amazed they manage to fill two hours.
I see from your link that all the 2008 Romantic Novel shortlist authors are female. I wonder why?
I must have a go at romantic writing....
"It was a dark and stormy night. Rupert was pleased he'd managed to give her one before the thunder and lightening distracted her....."
....or perhaps not!
Enjoy the RNA meeting Debs, can't wait to hear about it. The theatre sounded fantastic. Oh, and the walk along St Catherine's breakwater is 1.85 miles if you do the wall side first, right round the open sea part and back down the sandy-railings bit - did it with my pedometer last week (oh, it seems like a lifetime ago now!) to justify ice-creams and milk shakes in the lovely cafe afterwards...
I am sooooooooo jealous. Enjoy the meeting and I look forward to one of your fab reports :-)
Well it's better to cut the nail off with the scissors than ripping it with your teeth like I do! Yeah..I know...not very ladylike!
Spirit of the Dance sounds fab - I imagine the energy involved is more than I could muster up in a whole lifetime.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip to see Penny V.
And hope the nail doesn't stop you enjoying your time away :-)
I completely love Spirit fo the Dance! Glad you had a wonderful time.
I hope your meeting went well...
Looking forward to your report.
Spirit of the Dance sound fabulous, I do admire the dancers.
Have a great time in London and I hope the nail gets better.
CJ xx
tom foolery - thanks
my castle in spain - I wish I had the antidote too.
lane - rather busy too, but fun.
Loving LinA
helenmh - thanks
motherx - thanks. Nail still a bit sore, damn thing.
chad - thanks.
kerry - I love the big smoke, wish I could go more often.
carol - I love it too and am always happier once I've been.
east anglian troy - I'm not surprised they enjoyed it, it was superb.
Love your romantic writing...
chris - the show was fabulous, went with Ma who loves anything to do with Ireland (takes her back to her childhood).
Lol, I didn't know it was that far. So good of you to walk all that way, I would have just had the icecream and probably stood on the breakwater.
liz fenwick - I hope the report is ok, I didn't take any notes and had to try and remember all that PV said.
trixie - sometimes the only way is to bite though, mind you that would have been difficult as it was so low down, ouch.
katw - I forgot all about my finger whilst I was away. It only really hurts when I type (so typical).
kaye manro - it was brilliant, I would go and see it again too.
zinnia cyclamen - hope the report is okay.
crystal jigsaw - the show was amazing and the dancers had more energy then anything I've ever seen before.
London was great.
Thanks for popping by.
Sounds as if you've been having a busy time of it.
Must be good to meet other authors for inspiration.
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