Sunday 5 October 2008

Rain + Wind = Shed Time

I had to post today to put something ahead of that moon-face from the previous post.
This is what his lordship is doing today (and also yesterday), removing four skips of topsoil from a raised bed 6ft 4in deep and about 50 foot long (could be more, could be less, I have no idea) where we used to have a hedge. He is one of those clever gardeners who can picture how he wants a garden to look and has turned our patch from what used to look like a house sitting in a car park into a beautiful garden with beautiful plants and different areas to sit in and relax.

So while he's doing that, in the driving rain poor soul, I'm in here catching up on all the work that I need to get finished by the end of the weekend (or I shall go completely mad with frustration).

Mind you, I did have a lovely surprise this morning when I checked my emails. My mother wrote to let me know that she's bought me a copy of the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook 2009 and it's now on it's merry way to me. So in no time at all there will be pages ringed, post-its showing particular agents etc that I need to submit to. So thrilling. I can't wait for it to get here.

I can't believe that this time last week I was sunbathing in the garden, although to be honest the gale force winds and constant rain that we're experiencing today is the best weather to keep me inside the shed and doing what I really need to be doing, writing something.


Jayne said...

I can't get over how cosy your shed looks!! Love it! Oooh, I'll have to get my copy of the yearbook too. It is exciting to get a brand new copy!

Pat Posner said...

Hope you get loads of writing done, Debs.
It's cold here today but the sun is shining brightly, we got the rain in the night. A lot.

Jenny Beattie said...

The weather in the UK is totally barmy, isn't it?

Good luck with the work today.

Yvonne said...

How sweet of your mum to get you the book. Hope you get lots of writing done!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

mummy - it is such a cosy place, mind you having a heater and loads of rugs helps.

I'm so thrilled that she's sent me this book, I love it.

pat posner - I'm doing okay so far with my writing today.

I wish it would stop raining a bit, the dog keeps going out into the mud and getting filthy.

jj - it is so unpredictable, I do prefer the sun, I have to admit.

yvonne - it was a wonderful surprise, I can't wait for it to get here.

HelenMWalters said...

We've got pouring rain here. We've braced ourselves to go out and do the shopping and now I'm back in the warm I'm also going to try to do some writing.

Amanda said...

Hi Debs, like your new picture :-)
The weather is so changeable - I can't believe I've turned the heating on! x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

helenmh - well done for venturing out into the ghastly weather. I've only trotted down the path to the shed and no further today.

Hope the writing goes well.

annie bright - thanks, it's further away, so not as daunting for me to look at!

I wish we could turn the heating on but R is refusing to right now, so I'll have to light a fire with some of the many logs we now have.

Phillipa said...

We began last week on the beach in shorts ..and ended in full walking gear. SUmmer to autumn in one fell swoop. You shed does look cosy, though. Happy writing

Are you going to the winter party.. I am and would love to meet you.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

phillipa - this sudden change in the weather is rather a shock to the system, especially as it looked like we were going to be having an indian summer.

I can't make the winter party unfortunately, it would have been fun to meet finally.

Karen said...

I could do with a shed. There's too much housework distracting me at the moment. At least it's raining here today so I can't get out and do any gardening!

Melissa Amateis said...

Oh, lucky you! What a great present from your mother.

We're supposed to get rain today, too, though I wish I were home in my cozy house to enjoy it!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

karen - I know what you mean, I've just nudged S out of the way to have a quick look at the internet and answer these comments in between cooking supper, emptying the dishwasher and sorting out a wash. I'll go to the shed as soon as everyone is fed.

melissa marsh - I know I was thrilled. I usually persuade someone to buy me a copy and if not I get it for myself, so this was a lovely surprise.

I'd rather be at home in the rain too. I'm four floors up in a mainly glass building with windows on two sides, lovely in the summer and rather dramatic in bad weather. Not that I'm supposed to be looking at the view of course.

DJ Kirkby said...

Wow, you've been very disciplined. I'd like to see some pics of your new garden once it is done! Still sick with envy over you having a shed to write in...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

dj kirkby - I shall post some, but it's going to take a while. I hate all the grim heavy work (that R did) and love all the planting and planning of where things should go.

Liane Spicer said...

Oh, that shed! **slowly turns green with envy**