If you do see this, or any of her other books, treat yourself, because I've loved every book of Trisha's that I've read and only wished that I could write characters that were half as good.
I've been making notes on Novel 5 recently. I know, I haven't finished writing #4 yet, but pretty much the entire plot came to me, like some sort of dawning, and I just had to go with it. This book will be more like my first one, still with a romance through it, but far more harrowing and indepth than my other books. It will also entail a lot of research, which I've begun in earnest, but I'm slowly building everything up, so that as soon as I'm able to, I can get going with it. I can't wait.
Better get on, have been redecorating S's bedroom this weekend, and now have to make sure everything is back where it should be for her sleepover on friday night - 6 teenage girls, arggghh. Grumpy will hate every second.
Novel 5 (gulp - we are not worthy!) sounds intriguing. Thanks for recommendation and good luck with sleepover (those days are gone but now I get the outlaws sleeping over... for a week!)
When you say 'Novel 5' it makes me want to pull my socks up and get on with it. Your output and focus is incredibly Debs.
I fully sympathise with Grumpy. 6 teenage girls!
If you fall in love with your characters first, writing is easy, because you yourself want to find out what happens to them.
Five novels! Wow I thought I was doing well by being half way through number two. Have you had any published yet? I see Katie Fforde on you favorite web site list. I love her too. If I could be the next Katie Fforde I'd be a very happy bunny.
chrish - I might be writing these novels, but I'm doing bugger all with them!
Roll on Saturday at 11am when they've all gone home.
lane - I probably just waffle more than others.
I know, poor him, poor J, R & Me!
teresita - you're so right, it's compulsive.
claire p - I wouldn't mind being the next Katie fforde either.
Whatever are we like? Buying books again? It's impossible not to!
What a lovely looking book - and I can't believe you're already plotting novel No. 5! I need some of your inspiration, fast :o)
I love it when the plot just rolls right out so easily. I've only had one novel out of the three where the plot came so easily to me!
karen - I can't wait to start reading it, but need to finish the one I'm half way through first.
melissa marsh - I'm loving the research at the moment, but really should be concentrating on the wip. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
You sound very busy, in a good way x
Book shopping is the best stress reliever I know, and it's cheaper at a week at a spa (well, sometimes).
Good for you for making notes on Novel 5, and thanks for the book recommendation!
helenmh - I am, but I need to get on with the WIP and leave this until I have the time.
devon ellington - I completely agree, I'd rather shop for books than go to a spa (most of the time, anyway).
Novel 5 !! God! you put me to total shame! whats your secret? how come your so lucky to have plots just spring into your head??? Need to know!!!! (your shed must have magic powers!)
motherx - or, I simply love living in a fantasy world, as well as the real one :)
Your focus is amazing Debs....I can't believe your onto novel number 5!! I am in awe!!
C x
carol - I can't seem to help myself, I just wish I had more hours in the day to do everything.
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