I took him to the vet on Friday. He'd been a little shaky lately, and I thought I'd ask for some more Metacam to ensure we had enough, should we need it, over the Christmas/New Year period. I was greeted by a new, younger vet, who announced that, "He's been receiving the wrong treatment for the past four years."
"Really?" I asked, bemused and trying my best to keep a crying Schnauzer on the examination table. "What should he have had instead of the medicine?"
"He still needs the medicine, but should be having some physiotherapy. Unfortunately, the practice therapist left today to go and work in Guernsey."
Phew, thought I. "Oh," is what I said.
"Never mind," he said. "We have someone else he can go to, and I think he should have physio in a spa pool once a week, and if that doesnt work then acupuncture might do the trick."
Thankfully, the spa was broken, and as the vet said, "It'll probably take an age to fix because nothing gets done quickly over here."
So, G has had an apprieve for now. R laughed when I told him, and said. "So, he still needs the same medicine, but now needs to go in a spa pool every week too. Will you have to go in the water with him?"
Surely not.
Oh, that is just so sweet... take a picture!
Poor Grumpy. Still, he might quite like the spa pool. Not sure about the acupuncture though.
LWM - he is such a baby, and loves being pampered. S wrapped him up like this.
helenmh - I know, it's a shame. He probably wouldn't mind the spa too much, but would be hysterical with the acupuncture I would think. He isn't known for his bravery!
Poor Grumpy! I hate to think of him in pain. I hope he's much better today.
Poor Grumpy. Does he like water?
(and ouch to you. It sounds expensive)
Would Grumpy like to come and see Nurse Michelle and Mr Shoulder with me? I think we'd make a good team!
PS Thanks for comments about the picture - I'll pass it on!
Oh poor poor Grumpy!!! I'd love to see him in the spa!
Crikey, whatever next for animals? If the medicine worked ... why reinvent the wheel?
Hi Debs - that does sound expensive - couldn't he just go to the local swimming pool with you (only joking). He certainly looks a sweetie and hope he is OK again very soon.
Thanks for your visit and comment too.
A x
Poor Mr Grumps. Still my friend says accupuncture is great, so he might quite enjoy it. Have you got insurance??
Poor Grumpy
I've heard that spa pools are very good for dogs and horses.
yvonne - he seems a little better, but does the drama queen act so well, it's hard to tell sometimes.
lane - I know. He only likes water when he swims with me, but only when its very hot and sunny weather and he needs to cool down.
Thankfully this is covered by the Petplan insurance - or so I'm told!
chrish - I'm sure he would like to go and see them, and they'd probably be more use to him too.
mummy - I can't imagine he'll go in without me, and I don't fancy it, so this looks as if it's going to be interesting.
jj - my thoughts entirely!
strawberry jam ann - thanks, the pool would probably suit him better.
tam - thankfully we do have insurance, and am assured by the vet that this will be covered. I shall wait and see.
pat posner - well, I hope it works for him, it would be lovely if he didn't have to get so sore all the time.
poor Grumps - what a life!!
Oh, what a sweetheart. Perhaps, you could rig up a paddling pool in the garden for Grumpy to swim in
;-) TFX
Pets, gotta love um! Poor little thing, hope he feels better soon. It breaks your heart when you know their in pain. Twinkle (black cat) has a saw foot at the mo and lips around looking pathetic.
Grmupy having a spa treatment? Thanks for putting a huge smile on face :)
Scoff ye not my dear, physio really works esp. hydrotherapy...honest even on dogs. Our cat was put on metacam for her arthritis but it made her sooo sick, so she has to suffer without it poor thing.
flowerpot - I know, he feels very sorry for himself.
tf - maybe in the summer, I doubt he'd go for it now :)
claire p - I hope Twinkle feels better soon, such a shame when they're sore.
kerry - I know! I notice no one suggests I have some spa treatment.
dj kirkby - poor thing. I don't know how G would survive without his Metacam.
Awww poor wee Grumpy!! I don't know why but I just can't imagine a dog getting acupuncture...
LOL at the thought of you having to get into the spa pool with him....you never know....it might not be that bad!!!
C x
Bless him! I hope he feel better soon...
Best wishes and I hope you have a great Christmas.
carol - it never occurred to me that they gave dogs acupuncture either! So relieved I haven't heard from the spa woman yet. x
Annie W - thank you.
Merry Christmas too you too, I hope you have a good one.x
Spa pools and acupuncture for pets? You do indeed learn something every day. Hope the doggie feels better, even without the new-agey remedies!
wordtryst - I know, it was new to me too, all this treatment.
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