I actually submitted an article yesterday, so at least I have something 'out there' whilst I press on with this endless editing, re-editing, etc of this damn novel. Who knows, one day some kindly agent may decide that it's just what he/she needs in their life and take me on? One can but hope, and I'm nothing if not optimistic, unless I'm having an off day, that is. Although, don't ask my children, because they'll probably tell you that most days are off days with me!
Right, I'd better get back to my old, nearly being put out to pasture, laptop, and keep on working on HH&S, as I've spent the past hour or so mooching through my Writers' Forum, Writers' Magazine and Mslexia magazines, all of which arrived in the post today. Hurrah, fab post for a change, instead of the usual credit card bills.
Have a great weekend.
Ooh I think I might have to get the same laptop. I've been looking at little ones too and that seems to be the best - want an eee but apparently the battery life isn't great.
I got Mslexia this morning too. I promised myself I could sit and read it once I'd got my words done for the day - and I just have! :o)
oooooooooooo.....swish laptop!
Hope it comes on time for you - I hate waiting for packages.
Mslexia seems good this time. Liking it sinse the revamp. I'm only half way through at the mo though.
I. Am. So. Jealous! Good luck with the article. xo
Oooh gorgeous! I read through WM and WN this morning too :-)
Nice new baby!
Good luck with your article debs. It's a nice feeling to have something 'out there' (says she who has nothing out there yet:-)
Love the new laptop. I've also had WF, WM and Mslexia through the post. I was a little surprised as I thought I'd cancelled Mslexia ... ah well.
Love the new laptop Debs.
Isn't it funny how excited we get about the post? Well I do anyway although it is usually bills.
That looks a great netbook. I already had that make/model scribbled on my jotter in front of me from my earlier searches. Apparently it is for the "kinetic elite". Did you know that's what you are? Now I just wish I could be like you and avoid the VAT!
That is what I might call a Natty Machine. Havent a clue what natty means but it Must Be Good. Lucky you. Hope that article comes good. I shall cross my bits for you. X
Hurrah! A new toy - er, laptop! May you compose many bestselling novels on it. :-)
That looks great Debs. Enjoy the magazines.
Very cool looking. Enjoy :) TFx
Looks great. Mine's a bit of a dinosour and the battery isn't holding it's charge so long these days (bit like me!!), maybe a new one is in order.
I got Mslexia yeaterday! It always makes me want to get on with it.
Good luck with getting it 'out there', fingers crossed. x
Looks great Debs - how exciting! My wii fit should be here by the 22nd too - wonder which will arrive first? lol
B*M! I left a comment last night and it has disappeared... could that be do something to do with the wine glass in my hand?? Or, it may because my laptop is so jealous it refused to compliment your. Enjoy, anyway.
calistro - It took me an age to choose, and now I can't wait for it to get here.
You're so good doing your words then reading the mags. I did it the other way round!
swerdnic - I know, I hate waiting too, and just hope that they leave it here and I dont have to go and get it from the Post Office.
dj kirkby - thanks.
tam - I'm still working my way through.
lane - thanks. I have a couple of bits that have been out there so long, I'm sure they got lost somewhere.
helen - maybe it's a free copy. Not often that happens.
fiona - I get so excited when books/packages arrive, but dread the credit card ones, as mine are too dreadful (obviously, I buy laptops etc).
troy - ooh, how exciting.
I saved about £40 by not having to pay the VAT, yet when I checked out the same copy at a shop over here yesterday, it was being sold for £330, so typical.
lwm - thanks, I need all the help I can get.
melissa - here's hoping.
jj - thanks, will do.
tf - it is rather gorgeous.
claire - my present one is also rather decripid (sp?).
I find these mags always give me a spurr to get on with it too.
mummy - yours probably. Things never arrive over here on time.
chrish - how strange, no idea where your comment went. Thanks though.
Lovely laptop, all sleek and pretty. Beware! I got a new one in September and haven't gotten over my fixation with it yet (after pounding away on a wreck for nearly a year). The speed! The resolution! The shiny keys that all work! The webcam! And on and on.
Note to Helen: I've found that magazines tend to renew your subscription automatically once they have a credit card on file for you. Now I pay all subs with a bank draft!
I've been wanting Myslexia for awhile but the int'l subscription is just too high when I convert it to local currency. I also want their writer's diary so badly, but again, the exchange rate puts me off. Maybe I'll treat myself at the end of the month...
Just started a blog today so that makes me a newbie I s'pose. I too need a new lap top, maybe after the credit crunch.
Why does that sound soo sweet and delicious
mmm credit.
Cc, x
ps, hope to hear your comments on my small effort. No pressure.
Nice! Isn't a good feeling to splash out on something writerly that costs more than a magazine or two? I bet you can't wait!
Ooh, I hope you're getting on with your new Notebook - looks vair posh! Good luck with the article and editing too :o)
wordtryst - I can't wait for mine to arrive and get playing/working on it.
I, too, love the Mslexia diary, and sent it to myself as a present!
cecil cedric III - thanks for the comment, I shall pop over and visit right now.
spiralskies - I'm so excited, mind you I won't be so thrilled when my credit card bill arrives. Oh well, sometimes, you've just gotta go with it.
karen - thanks m'dear, I can't wait for it to get here.
Thats a smart lap top! Hope it has the magic touch for you so you can fire off a best seller!xx
motherx - thanks, I can't wait for it to arrive. Here's hoping it inspires me enough to write something wonderful :)
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