The hardback will be published this Autumn, with the paperback being published in February 2010. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy for me (not that I'm selfish or anything, and will definately be buying copies for friends and family for birthdays, Christmas, etc).
The local bus drivers decided to go on strike today, without any notice, as far as I can tell. I can't complain though, because they still covered the dedicated school bus routes, which is a relief as S still came home on the bus.
Mind you, some lout sitting near her was spraying Linx all over the place, and trying to set fire to it. S came in smelling of the stuff, and had to go and shower straight away. Not impressed (her for smelling like she did) and, me for the terrifying thought that the berk who was doing this could have caused the other children a lot of damage. When I asked why the bus driver didn't do something, she said he hadn't noticed.
I'm loving Trisha Ashley's book, A Winter's Tale, and if you're trying to think of what book to read next, how about this one. It's fab. In fact I'm off to read more of it now.
Great news about the book, the cover looks gorgeous! Poor S, that stuff is sickening.
That looks like a great book. Must keep an eye open for it.
yvonne - I love the cover, and I'm sure the content will be equally as fab.
I know. Little sod.
helen - it certainly does. I'll post about it closer to publication time.
Maybe that bus driver needs to keep more of an eye open. Could have been nasty:-(
The cover of the RNA book is lovely!
Thanks for the recomendations. I will look out for both books. I've already broken my resolution not to buy anymore books, so I might as well get these as well!
School buses should have someone like an old fashioned conductor on them to stop the little darlings doing such things.
What is Linx? Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good.
What a neat idea, to publish a book like that to commemorate the anniversary.
That looks like a romantic book. I'll keep a look out. I'm loving C.J. Sansom at the moment, his books are so gripping!!(problem is when I read him I cant be bothered to actually write!)
Lovely cover. I'm the same as Motherx; I find it very difficult to drag myself away from a good book to write... I've just finished Engelby by Sebastian Faulks. Excellent.
Well, there wasn't an accident, but it does worry me that kids do these stupid things... that could have ended really nastily. I'm glad the only nasty things was the smell of S!
lane - her brother is on the bus with her tonight and wont stand for any of that rubbish, thankfully.
The book looks brilliant.
claire p - I know, I've broken that resolution too, about five minutes ago.
I agree, I bet there wasn't that sort of trouble when conductors were on board too.
melissa - its a boys deoderant/spray and not bad, except when it's sprayed liberally all over people.
The book looks so good.
motherx - it does. I'm the same, at the moment, I'd rather read Trisha Ashley's brilliant book than mess about with mine.
jj - me too. I must get Engelby, it does sound excellent.
I know, I was horrified when she told me all about it.
Both books look very interesting. I must see if I can get hold of them.
best wishes,
The cover is great!
As for the bus driver not seeing the Linx lout, well maybe he did but was scared to get invoved? After all, the way things tend to go these days, he would probably have ended up being the 'one in the wrong'.
Hi Debs! I've missed being here. You always post such good stuff. Anyway, I see you have A Winter's Tale up. I think that's a grand book to read during the winter. (We here in the eastern states have such cold low temps right now.) Thanks for telling us about it, and Loves Me Loves Not sounds like a good read too. Kaye
He was doing that on the bus? OMG what if he got too close to her? Yikes! Are you going to complain to the head of transport security? Isn't that book cover just soooo beautiful?
annie - I'm thoroughly enjoying, A Winter's Tale, and don't want to put it down. I can't wait to be able to get my copy of Loves Me, Loves Me Not.
pat p - he probably was. I was furious as S and the other children could have been hurt badly.
kaye manro - A Winter's Tale is fab, and looking at your most recent post, it would be most suitable for this time of year where you are.
dj kirkby - I've told my son about it, and he assures me that he'll have a word with the boy, as he knows who he is. So, hopefully we won't have the same thing happening again.
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