I've just been told by the lovely
DJ Kirkby that I'm a winner in her competition, and the prize is a copy of this book (love the cover) by
Nik Jones. So, once I've received my copy (can't wait) I shall read it toute suite and review it here.
I'll soon be off on my travels and the most important thing I have to concentrate on packing, apart from tickets and passport of course, are books. Now, when you have teetering tbr piles like I do, it's difficult to make a choice of only five or six.
"Five or six?" said R, when I bravely told him how many I'll be taking. "Is that all?"
"I'll be fine," I assured him. "There are shops where we're going, so I can always buy more."
Apparently, he was being sarcastic.

I've just started reading this book, and I'm loving it. I met
Debby Holt at the recent RNA Awards Luncheon. She was so friendly and fun that afterwards, as I was waiting to catch the Gatwick Express, I tottered into the nearly WH Smith and bought a copy of this book. I've since realized that I also have another of hers, Annie May's Black Book in my tbr pile and will no doubt be reading that one soon too.
Five or six books! How long are you going for?! The new one looks good though. And I'm glad I'm not the only one with 'teetering piles' (that sound like something you should be able to get cream for dosen't it?) :0)xx
You are the only person I know who has more books in their tbr pile than I do!
Have a wonderful time, Debs. Well done with your prizewinning.
Enjoy all your new books...lol
We should have a book stacking competition to see who has the most books :) prize could be..another book! congratulations on ur win. And thank you for your message re tomorrow, I appreciate it:) xxx
I only took two books with me when I went to England in October and ended up buying more, of course.
Morning, congrats on the prize, and on going on travels, I'm muchos jealous, how.
I'll be signing your book tonight as part of my Wetherspoons tour (honest - it's an actual thing) - is there anything in particular you want me to write?
Debs! You pack as many books as I do for holidays. I too have to rely on stores to top up my fix while on hols. Helen, you must come to my house next time you are in town and see my tbr pile, Chopper converted the loft so I had somewhere to add bookshelves for my tbr's! No seriously...I'll show you next time. x
Five or six is the minimum! Good for you! Have a lovely time, Debs.
I always read more on my hols! But 5 or 6 books is amazing!
Hope you have a lovely time, and congrats on the win! :-))
claire p - I must admit I'd rather have the book piles than the other sort.
helen - I've tried to be good, but am not doing that well at refraining from buying more.
annie - thank you.
motherx - good idea.
Hope it all went well today.
melissa - only two? I would have panicked.
watching9987 - I'm thrilled to have won, and can't wait to read it. Please write whatever you feel like. (Don't I have a useless imagination, which isn't good for a wannabe writer!)
dj kirkby - I only have a couple of piles. What bliss to have a loft converted for your books. I will have to see this. Envious? Moi?
chrish - thanks m'dear.
amanda - thank you. I can't wait to go.
Congrats on the win!
Have a great holiday - are you taking Grumps?
Ooh lovely win.
Are you flying with all those books?:-)
Have a great time Debs. x
pat - thanks, I'm looking forward to reading this book, it looks really interesting.
Unfortunately, all I can take of Grumps is a photo :(
lane - I know, I was delighted.
Yes, they'll be hidden in with R's packing and mine too. Thanks.
I never take enough books so end up buying lots ... and then not reading them. I've had to scatter my TBR piles around the house so they're not as easy to spot...
Have a great time!
Congrats on winning Nik's book. I won a copy of his book when he ran a launch competition a couple of months ago. Clever, engaging read. And Nik has a very writerly signature which made me think my own writing would look dull in a book if I should ever get to be signing a book penned by myself!
5 or 6 books is a good number and you should always allow for all the books you won't beable to resist buying whilst you are away. No doubt your tbr pile will have grown by your return.
I once left home for a whole two nights forgetting my book bag - I went into a panic half way to my destination when I realised and had to detour via a bookshop so that I could buy two. I felt naked leaving home without books. It was a very disturbing affair.
Kat :-)
always good to have recommendations - thanks Debs.
Have a good trip, Debs, and a good read!
shirley - I laughed at the thought of you having piles of books around the house. I'll have to do the same.
kat - I'm looking forward to reading this book too.
I'd be horrified to forget my books, and always like to have one in the car too if I have to wait for the children after school.
flowerpot - It's a great read. I'm going to read the other one of her books after this one.
susie - thank you, I shall.
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