What more could I ask for, 6ft 2inches of smouldering, tension, dressed in black leather - oh, be still my rapidly beating heart - Robin Hood is back for a third series tomorrow night.
So, bring out the chocolates (in my case a hefty box of Thorntons), turn off the laptop, pour yourself a well-deserved glass of chilled rose, and settle down for a treat. Or is that just me? After a week of research (loving it, though frustrating at times), editing, and working on short stories, I'm looking forward to this.
You can find the Richard Armitage interview with the BBC press office here together with a new photo of Sir Guy with his long hair. (I have to admit to preferring short hair, and in R's case, shorn so short that he could pass as a convict. Suits him though, he looks gorgeous).
Mind you, I do think Sir Alan Sugar is a legend, though spookily enough he reminds me very much (in manner, rather than looks) of my Uncle Barry. I was watching The Apprentice the other night with J and said, "Why does Sir Alan remind me so much of Barry?" J replied, "Because he IS Barry." Right, now I've given myself a giggle, I'm off to the trusty laptop once more.
Sir Barry Sugar doesn't quite have the same ring to it though does it?
All the Troy family love watching Robin Hood. If my wife is lusting after any of them she keeps it quiet. I was sorry when they killed off Maid Marion in the last series; I thought she was tasty. Can't see how they can bring her back for this series - perhaps Robin was having a dream (like they used in Dallas)?
Oooh, chilled rose wine, lovely! ENJOY x
I'd love to see this series! And oh so sweet with the chilled rose and chocolates, Debs.
Thanks for visiting JA Konrath over at my blog today!
I used to watch the old Robin of Sherwood shows years ago - back in the 80s, I believe. Sean Connery's son, Jason, played Robin Hood in the second season, I think. I LOVED those shows!
troy - so funny. I have to agree that Sir Barry Sugar isn't quite the same.
I was shocked when they killed Marion off, but no doubt they'll have another female joining the cast to set male hearts racing.
amanda - thanks, I will.
kaye - I think it will be coming your way at some point soon.
I enjoyed the interview with JAK, and must add his books to my tbr pile.
melissa - I used to like that series because Ray Winstone was in it.
Chocolates, wine and Richard Armitage ... yup, that works for me. Enjoy!
I never watched Robin Hood, despite RA being in it, but I might have to now! Would be even better if Sir Alan was in it too :o)
RA - yum! Mind you, I quite fancy Robin as well...
Posh chocs, wine and RA works for me too! Enjoy:-)
Move up and pour me a glass too... my idea of heaven!
I'm ROFL at Uncle Barry Sugar! and I really shouldn't indulge in the chocs and the rose....but maybe just a little won't do any harm.....
My seven year old loves Robin Hood so we will be glued tomorrow night. Also gives me fab pretext to enjoy Richard and Jonas!!
shirley - I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening as I've got so much to do today.
karen - um, Sir Alan in Robin Hood? Maybe he could be the new Robin Hood in the next series?
tam - he is rather lovely.
lane - ah yes, another woman of great taste.
lwm - of course, I'll budge up now.
mummy - a little of what you fancy does you good.
mickmouse - my two just groan when I turn the programme on.
I've no idea who you're talking about Debs, but you had me on the "smouldering, tension, dressed in black leather "
I don't like the hair ...and I shan't be watching of course. :) Disgraceful character...
Did you know he's reading Sylvester by Georgette Heyer on audio CD? The CD went straight to the top of the Amazon spoken word charts!
looks like you'll have a winner of a weekend... definitely time for a break!
jj - he is rather dashing.
phillipa - I agree with you about the hair, maybe we could sneak over and give him a quick haircut.
I didn't know about the GH audio CD, but am not surprised it raced to No 1.
anna - Have been racing round the island like a lunatic all day, so looking forward to a relaxing evening.
I used to work with someone - and Alan Sugar WAS his uncle. Beat that!
helen - I cant, how amazing. I also read somewhere the other day that the actress who plays Roxy in Eastenders is his neice.
sadly I cant eat chocolate but I'll go for the rose!
No its not just you!
flowerpot - it wouldn't do me any harm stepping away from the chocolates for a few weeks.
casdok - glad to know I'm not the only one.
I'm with you with the chocs. Although RA is lovely as you know my heart belongs to another Richard (and the one I'm married to as well I suppose), so many Richard's!!
oh no! that long greasy hair. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease let the Sherrif make him cut it all off.
claire p - all these lovely Richards to choose from!
trasha - I have to agree with you, I do hope some one give him a haircut soon.
I'm a bit late to the party but shove over make room. Any chocs left ? TFx
I think a re-run of North and South is called for, don't you?
Um? With free Green and Blacks for all viewers.. if only. :-)
TF - no chocs left, but I can always buy more!
rayanne - Definately, and I agree with the G&B idea too.
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